After the match, I called up Master Gee and we headed for a swim. At first we sat down on separate tables. I didn't like my initial table very much. It was like playing in PS with a bunch of mushrooms shoving pre-flop with anything up their asses! I only won 1 hand in that table. UTG, I limp with 66. A lot of people limp and flop came 6s 9d 10d. An average flop for my hand, with a bunch of draws out there. I lead out for $20 and see whats going on. The mushroom next to me called and all other fold. Turn another 6, now I made QUADS. I teased him with another bet of $25, no way he could fold! He called instantly. River 4c. I saw him have $37 behind, I figured another $25 will guarantee a call. A shove in that spot gains nothing, as he might fold a 9. He called instantly and I won with QUADS.
After that hand, the all-in pre-flop system continues and I changed to Master Gee's table. I didn't play a hand in the first round, but I realized they are a bunch of Poker All-stars over there. Here are the Chips and Player's seat position:

Seat 1: Me, the donkey at the table, plays tighter than a NIT. Stack, $200
Seat 2: Master Gee. The best player in the room, only cards can stop him to poker immortality. Stack $120.
Seat 3: Some Gut-Shot Guru. Guru in appearance, Lucktard in nature. He is the GS expert, can't count how many GS he has made in this table. Stack $800+
Seat 4: Quiet Asian. He doesn't talk much, but I am sure he understand English. Stack $200
Seat 5: Johnny World. He ATC a lot pre-flop, but he plays solid poker after the flop. Willing to fold if missed. Stack $180
Seat 7: Sahid Afridi. Some Pakistanis with an I-pod. I can't figure him out, Period! Maybe he doesn't even know what he is doing? Stack $400.
Seat 9: Brendon Favola. Some Italian youngster plays poker like bingo. Very Aggressive pre-flop out of position, and made a lot of blocking bets on the flop onwards. Just like the Charlton Spearhead, he talks more than Sam Fishy with a cocky nature.
After 1 orbit, I dealt Ks 10d in MP. Limp pot, I called. Master Gee in CO folded, Guru called, Johnny World in SB popped to $18. Everyone called, I called as well. Flop Ah Qh 3s. All check to me, try to steal it for a $40. Guru fold, Johnny World check-raised to $100. We all folded. He showed AK!
In the very next hand, I dealt QQ in BB. Everyone limp and I pop to $30. Now everyone called. Massive pot already. Flop 9 10 4 rainbow. I shoved all-in for $109. Guru raised to $250. Everyone fold. Guru said to me, I am in front but he doesn't want all those fish to chase. Turn Q, river K. I thought he might have 10 J, but he showed K 10, and I won a massive $300+ pot.
After the hand, Favola was whinging that I were very lucky coz Guru raised him out of the pot, and he had J in his hand. Well, Favola showed his true colour and we all know what a wanker he is in the AFL.
Two hands later on the button, dealt A 7 off. Limp pot, Flop A Q 8. All checked to me and I bet $10. All folded to Favola, he called. Turn 2. He checked, I bet $20, and now he raised to $50. I called for $30 more. River another A. He checked for the 3rd time. I thought for a while, with trips Aces- no kicker, no point betting and get called by the worse hand. So I checked, and Fevola showed 22. Now the conversation starts getting more interesting. He checked the river coz he put me on AQ. WOW! No way! I asked him why he called with 22 on the flop if he put me on AQ? He said only cost him $10 and he can always hit. OK!
A couple hands later in SB got Qc 10c. Limp pot and I called extra $1. Master Gee pop $10 more. No one folded and I called. Flop Qd Jh 2d. I lead out for $30, Master Gee folded, Guru called, Afridi shoved for $129 more. I stared at Afridi, and he was very confident. Didn't look like he was on draw. While Guru most likely on draw and I don't want to price him in. So I FOLD! Guru folded as well and showed J 7 off. Afridi showed J 2 off. WTF are those guys playing with those junks?
At the meantime, the Guru took a bunch of Afridi's stack. Limp pot, flop 5 5 Q. Afridi's lead out for $15, Guru called, all other folded. Turn A. Guru check/call another $25 bet. River K. Afridi bet $50, Guru popped to $125, Afridi called and showed 5. Guru showed 10 J for runner runner straight. As I said before, this game is all about Lucktards. By the looks of the Guru, he seems like more of a traditional Indian Guru to me. After he drop that runner-runner missile, he said he would call any bets in position coz he know the guy will pay him off if he hit. He also said this game is all about decisions.
I guess he has make a lot of good decisions in the past. Based on his outfits, I can tell he has been wearing those jumpers for days. Based on his cap, I wouldn't surprise if it is still back in the early 90s. So all these years, he must have make a lot of good decisions:
1) He is not a big spender. You can tell by his 90s outfits.
2) He must have invested his money wisely. Instead of investing in the stock market, he choose to invest it in Poker.
3) Based on my reliable source (Don't ask me! It is a secret!). His best decision ever made was 15 years ago. He decided to do an infamous penis transplant and FINALLY broke his virginity after 40+ years of incompetence.
Guru's Gut shot exhibition didn't end there. A couple of hands later, he took Afridi's stack. With $90 inside already, flop J Q 8, he called Afridi's $16 flop bet. Turn 10. Check/call Afridi's $30 bet. River 7, he shoved all-in and Afridi called. GS Guru showed A 9, and Afridi said he had a set. Now Favola starts talking again. He criticized Guru chasing GS on the flop and the conversation really heating up. I just have 1 question. With only $12 inside and I bet $10 on the flop, he put me on 2 pair and call with 22 (2 outer) and he thinks it is a good play. How can he think it is a bad play when Guru call a weak $15 bet on the flop, $90+ inside with his GS plus an Ace? I know you try to comfort Afridi. If you really want to comfort him, just go next door in the Crown Tower, open a room and give him a nice Thai massage. No one will know whats going on in there. Just like the Charlton football club, hash money will always in play.
In the very next hand, I dealt JJ in the BB. Another limp pot, this time Fevola pop to $30 pre-flop. Now I have 2 options. No way I am folding this, but he might have something like KQ which I don't want him to make a tilt shove. Don't really want to shove pre-flop with JJ, especially in a loose game like this. I expect him to make a continuation bet on the flop, and if I catch good flop I can isolate all the guys behind me. So I just called. Guru called as well as Johnny World. Flop Qh 8h 3s. Not a flop I was hoping for but still not too bad. Guru will call with anything, flush draw going nowhere and all I fear was Johnny World. Fevola bet $35 on the flop, I flat call. If anyone raised behind me, I knew I was beaten and can fold easily. To my surprised both fold. Turn Jh. Now Fevola bet $50. I knew I am in front, but with 3 hearts in board, I must raise. Thanks to Danial Sklansky, I learn something from him. I shoved all-in, in case he has a single heart in his hand. He folded instantly. I raked another $300+ pot.
Several hands later, I dealt 55 in raised pot. Flop 10 10 J, I took a stab at it on the flop for $40, Guru called. Turn Q, now I am done with my hand. Went check/check and check-fold river when 8 came. That was the last hand I played and I left soon afterwards.
Master Gee didn't fare well tonight. He built his stack back up to $200 and lost with JJ. Flop 557, he shoved all-in and Guru turned straight with 46. How can he miss if he has been hitting GS all-day? We all know Lucktards will dominate Masters, and the highest form of LT would be a Guru. Bad Luck Master Gee, you simply have no chance at all tonight!
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