My $40 in FR has busted. They know I am leaving, so they decided to give me 2 suck outs so I can leave in peace. Lost $20 in NL omaha H/L, open shove preflop with AA57, got called by A2KJ. Flop KK9 and I am gone. Then in PLO, The guy flop top set but he checked. I also checked with my nut flush draw on the button. I made my flush on the turn, the guy with top set bet pot, I shoved all-in and he called. Board pair river, BUSTO!
It has been a good ride in FR, so back to PS again. Just deposite US$150 in there and want to see if they are missing me or not. So far so good, played in the 50c/$1 NLH. Dealt AA once, KK twice and JJ once. I raised each time and got no callers. Donk away a bit in PLO, those guys played like lottery. Fucken sick! Then bought in for $50 in 25c/50c deep table. Had a good start in first hand in BB. Got Ah 8h , limp pot, A K 3. All check on the flop, 9 on the turn, SB bet turn and river . I caught him bluffing for $10 pot. Then dealt KK, raised $1.50 UTG+2, only 1 caller. Flop quads turn A, check/check all the way and he fold to my $2 bet river.
Then took a little hit with 77 in SB. 1 limper, button raised to $2 , we all called including BB. Flop K 3 6. All checked the flop. Turn 2 , I lead out for $4, BB and button folded, MP Gimp called. River J and I bet $11, he called and won showing 23. Now I know that guy is a gimp. In the very next hand on the button dealt 33. All fold to the Gimp and he raised to $1.50, folded to me and I took Master Gee's route, raising to $6. Blinds fold and he called. Flop 8h 3h Jc. He lead out for $3, I put him on a strong hand, 10 10, QQ, AJ, KJ etc. I pop to $9 acting I am on tilt. He flat called. Turn 5s. He checked, I knew he is not folding unless he had AK. With $30 inside, and I got $23 behind me, I changed gear to Sklansky mode. All-In! He instant call. River 6c. He showed AhKh and I won $74 pot.
A couple of hands later, got AA in MP. This is the hand I don't know whether I played it good or bad. I felt my image is very loose, so I will get a lot of action. The guy on my right is a tricky player. He doesn't mind play flops and call raises. He is willing to bet river (3/4 pot +) with semi-strong hands, nuts as well as bluffs. He opened the pot with a $2 raise, I re-raised him to $7.50 with my AA. All folded, and he called. Flop As Jd 8c. He checked to me and I bet $9.50 on the flop and he instant called. Turn 10d. He checked again. With $35 inside, and I had $57 behind me. I don't know how much to bet. His range could be so big, he might pick up a diamond draw on the turn. Any K, Q , 9 or 7 , I knew he will bet big and I won't know what's going on. He might have nothing at all, and will bluff river because of the Ace showing. I didn't have the Ad in my hand so the Adxd could be in his range.
I shoved it on the turn, and he folded saying he had KK. The reason I shoved because the pot was big enough to take it down. Any bet I made, I won't fold on the river. I also feel that I overbet the turn by a mile. How would you play it? Would like to know your opinion! Comments always wellcome!
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