In the very next hand he dealt 88. Limp pot and he raised to $20. A bunch of callers. Flop A 8 6 with 2 diamonds. All checked to Superman and he checked as well. Turn another diamond, and checked around to him and now he bet $35. Got 1 caller. River blank, and he bet $60. The guy called and Superman won with another trips. I walked away came back in 30 min and saw his stack built up close to $700.
It was around 4pm and I went to have something to eat. Came back around 4:30pm, and saw his stack down to $170. I asked him what happen? He told me he got 2 bad beats + he missed a big draw. In the first hand, he called $15 raise with 3 5 sthooted. Flop A 2 4. He slow played his hand on the flop, and check-raised all-in when a guy bet big on the flop. That guy had A 4, A on the turn and he drawn dead. Down $200 in that pot. Then he called another $25 raise with 5 J off. Flop 5 5 K. The flat called $50 on the flop, then another $170+ all-in bet on the turn. The guy had AK, river K. So down another $200+ in that hand.
Then he had JQ sthooted. Called another $20 raise pre-flop. Flop K rag rag. He fishing around on the flop, called a $30 bet. Turn 10s. Gave him open ended + flush draw. He called another $60 bet. Missed the river, so down another $100+ in that hand.
He kept on calling raise with ATC pre-flop. In one hand he called $15 with J 6 off. Missed the flop and folded. Then in the very next hand he got J3 sthooted. He folded to a $10 raise pre-flop. I asked him, "Why you folded? Only cost you $10 plus your card is STHOOTED. So you must be thinking with J 3, you will have kicker problem!" To make matters worse, flop came JJx. LOL!!!
It had been fun watching him play. At the same time standing at the rail really hurt my feets. Soon after he busted with pocket 10s all-in preflop, lost to the MIGHTY TUNA. Then I had to shout him for dinner and lend him another $200. Obviously he lost it in 20 min playing BJ and Baccarat. During dinner he asked me about the odds on those hands. I told him every hand he was either huge favorite or priced in on his draw. At the same time I told him he shouldn't get involved at all to start with. Bad luck in the suck-outs, but those hands he should put it in the muck pre-flop. Also he has "Fancy Play Symptoms!"His responds were very professional. Here are his reasons for calling:
1) He can always hit!
2) The pot was big!
3) No one folding, so he always have ODDS to call.
4) People going to pay him off if he hits big hand.
Well! I can't argue with him. Those are the NEXT LEVEL thinking I am trying to Master. Better ask Master Gee or Mr.Sklansky about ODDS, as I have no idea whats it all about.

After my FullTilt experience, now I am back to PS. Went to Brunswick club and watched the pennant finals. KO Master, Grand Master and Neverlose lost in the "B" reserved Grand Final. Bad Luck, but the Princes Wankers really had a strong team with Malaga, King of Side, Nichole4P. Went home afterwards and I had the worst 30 minuted ever in PS. First I donk away $25 in 25c/50c PLO. With flop 10QKA with 2 spades, my stacked went in with KJs8s9. Unfortunatly the other guy also had the same hand AJ but also As 6s. Spade river! Gone!
Went to 25c/50c NLH deep table. I fold in the first orbit without playing a hand. First hand I played got KK. Won a small pot. Then I ran a semi-bluff with Ad Jd in Q high but 2 diamond board. Built it up to like $60. Then the very next hand in MP got AK. I raised to $1.50. Only the blinds called me, 3 way action. The table was pretty tight but aggressive. Flop 99A. They all check to me, but I checked as well. I try to keep the pot small, coz either I were way in front or way behind. Flush draw or Ace will mostly bet on the flop, and I don't mind giving 1 free card. Turn another Ace. SB lead out for $3.50, BB folded, I flat called. I am not folding and try to let him bluff at it on the river. River 5d. Now he shoved for $40+. I called and you know what he had from the pic above! Then shoved all-in with 10 10 for $12+ and bumped into KK.
Really on tilt! Went to 50c/$1 PLO HU table. In the third hand, I were in the BB. SB pop to $3, I called with Ac Kh 10c 6h. Flop 2h 4h 9h. I lead out for $5, he called. Turn 5s. I bet $15. He called. River 7h. I shoved all-in for $36+, he called again. Showing the nuts! You gotta love this game. Losing $120+ in the process won't effect my mojo. But all on coolers really hurts. Time to head back to snooker tables as Albury is on next week. Hopefully I have a good draw.
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