Lack of knowledge? I don't think so. Having more than 30 books in my poker library, and I have read them all. I read more books than when I were in college. Most of them I read it more than once.
Did I bluff too much? I don't think so! I play tighter than a rock.
Money management problem? NO! Playing micro-limits won't hurt my bankroll too much. I consistently using my hit and run strategy to keep my swing to the min.
Inferior oppositions? This must be it! Why everytime when I had the goods on the flop, I always get chased out? Everytime I was bluffing when I missed all my draw, the guy will snap call my bet with 22 on a A K J 9 9 board? Do they have pokerrng? or they can read my cards! I don't know about that, but one thing for sure. They might be a poker expert in their own mind, but I am definitely the better driver. I drive so slow, I always have enough time to step on the breaks. I always know that FOLDING is like the IRON CURTAIN, it will protect your chip stack like nothing else. If you never go all-in, you will never bust! Easy as that! It is the most useful weapon in your poker Arsenal.
Back to topic! So why I still lose? Now I just find out the answer.
1) I read too many poker books
2) I watched too much TV
3) I try too hard to copy the Master's superior poker ability. Try too hard to create my own Masterpiece.
Everytime when I am in a hand, I try too hard to play it perfect. Watching the Master did all his fancy moves was truely amazing. I forgot one thing. To win the war, you must know yourself as well as your enemies. If you are not up to that standard, you should never try it. All those limp raise UTG with AA followed by an all-in bet on the flop, doesn't work at micro-limits level. Poker God will punish you being sneaky. Also those 3 bullets bluff with air doesn't work at my table because they work for Telstra, a bunch of calling stations. Those check/raise bluff on the river will never work for me, my opponents love to keep me honest! Those check/raise on the turn, follow by an all-in bet on the river, also never work for me. I create the pot so big, due to POT ODDS, they always get 2-1 on their money to call. So folding on their part will not be an option.
Every hand I play, I try to follow the Master's footstep. I try to create some Masterpiece. Try to play the Meta-game. No matter how hard I try, it will not work. You try to paint your hand as beautiful as possible, at the end you are just selling Mona Lisa to a bunch of blinds and retards. They won't get it. Talking to idiots and morons about Monet and Renoir is just waste of time. My downfall in poker is caused by my play. I lot of times I play the hand far too sophisticated (try be like the Master) for the poker public in gereral to understand.
Right now I should follow another poker expert's footstep. Fold or all-in preflop. If Folding is the Iron Curtain, then ALL-IN preflop must be the IRON FIST in the poker arsenal. The good thing about this strategy is, it is a lot easier to play. Also most of the time you will win the hand uncontested. Even winning the blinds is still a win. Now I have learnt something. Thank you Mr. Sklansky! From now on I will be following your lead! Wherever you lead, I will dance with you!
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