I am back in Adelaide. Nothing much to do in here, and I won't be swimming over here. It is a shark tank! Recently I have found out something, I can't play any cash tables either in PS or FullRig! Coolers always following me, I can't win with AA vs AK, and my BIG SNAKE always bump into AA. Different story to Superman. He is killing the KO game in FullRig (sort of).
Recently I have done well in PLO donkfest tourneys in both PS and F.Rig. So I tried my hand in some of their cash tables as well. So the result, I burnt my finger. Always bought in for the max, but I never last more than 10 hands. It was a lottery. All those guys have potential to become the next Neil Robertson or Ronnie O'Sullivan. They just love potting with any sort of hands, and never fold to any bets. Everytime I flop a set, I lost to some crappy draws, and all my 24 outs draw, never got there against their AA. I think I better stick to PLO tournys instead. One night I played a $14 PLO sub-satellite in Full Tilt. I won a $109 ticket to another satellite. Still thinking about whether I should play in it or not. That main satellite is for a $535 seat to FTOPS Event 6.
Had a prop bet with Superman the other night. We agreed to play 5 KO SNG, and see who will get the most prizes. At the end, both of us didn't cash in any of them, but he got 1 KO more than me. Losing to him is hard to swallow, plus now he has the bragging right. OMG! Now I have to cop all those shits from him. After 2 days, he is driving me insane already. Not only he won the prop bet, but he also did well in some PLO table, from $50 up to $200+. Hitting everything with any 4 cards dealt to him. Sure it helps!
The most amazing part was not online. Couple days ago, he went to the Pond with $100, sat down on a $2/$3 table. After paying $5 time charge, he only had $95 behind. He managed to double up early with JQ, flopping top pair, and some big stack pro tried to bully him. Put him all-in with A 5. Obviously Superman called and his top pair held up.
Several rounds later, he dealt 22 in late position. That same big stack raised to $15, and Superman called with his pair of ducks. Flop A A 2. As usual Superman will slowplay it, but the table went ballistic. Turn 4, which had 3 flush on the board. After a lot of betting and calling, we saw a 4 way all-in. Superman had 22 for full-house, one guy had an A, one guy didn't show but most likely he had flush or the other A. The big stack showed J 5 off. WOW! Superman's 22 held up and he quadruple up. Then he donk away his stack a bit.
In the final hand before he left, he had 6 8 off. Flop 6 8 10. He lead out for $25 on the flop and got 2 callers. Turn J which complete 3 flush. Superman bet $50, 1 fold and the last guy went all-in for $130. Superman made a crying call. He discussed the hand with me and I said the guy shoved with 10 J. I were right, but since Superman has improved a lot, he told me he saw the 8 was coming. River 8! Bingo!!!!
I always think Superman is a fish! Now I admit I am totally wrong. Now he has become those top instinct player, with a bit of those little funny feelings (Like Phil Hellmuth)! He has transform himself from a fish into a bigger creature. An EEL!!! An eel also eats worms, they eat little fishes, but sharks would never touch them! An eel could be lethal. They hide between rocks and corals. They will snap you in an instant. Some of the eels are so special, they might have some fancy play syndromes, but when they turn over their hands, you can feel the electricity in the water! Since he is very good friend of mine, he is generous enough to give me some advise or two. He told me not to play NLH anymore, coz I suck at it. Just stick to PLO and I might be able to grind a dollar or two! Thank you for your advice, but I don't think I can play either one of them. If you have Luck, you are a Superstar! If you don't have luck, you just SUCK!
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