I am taking a break from snooker right now. Without any flippers, I haven't swum at the Pond for a while. No intention going there as well. So at the meantime, I just swim in PS and FullRig.
I haven't touched any cash game at PS lately. All tournaments! Those ultimate luckfest, $5 or lower buy-in, field of 5000+. You simply can't win those tourneys without luck. Shoving preflop with AK will called by several places while they are holding 44 or 10 J. You need to play a lot more tourneys to get a result. Playing those donkfest won't affect my bankroll too much. It is part of the learning process, plus a lot of entertainment in the chat box.
One day, in the first orbit. I saw a 3 way all in preflop. KK vs QQ vs A5 sthooted. At the end obviously the AK will win most of the time because in PS they are playing 10 Aces in the deck with 20 cards of the same suits. That's not the point! The guy lost with KK was a bit stiff, bitching a bit in the chat box. The AK guy said this, " I got the BIG SNAKE! It is an all-in hand!"
Am I out of date? Is there someone out there just revolutionize the English poker dictionary? What the hell is a Big Snake? The one in between your legs? A cobra, anaconda, scorpion or rattle? I know what a Big Chick is. (AQ) and the Big Slick (AK, might be the old version). But a Big Snake is just too bit scary for me. I prefer a Big Lick on my Big D*ick! After a while I might give you a Big Flick.
Anyway, I played a lot of PLO tourneys this week with decent results. After last week 2nd showing in the PLO H/L, this week PS released a bunch of donkfest PLO tournys. I played quite a few of them. Managed to make a deep run, but still no final table. Generally I think I played pretty solid. On the down side, I didn't change gear at the later stage of the tournament when the table was tight.

I started off the week making Final Table at FullRig. Second in Chips entering to the final table, but the chips were pretty even. I ended up busting out in 5th place. Not a bad result, considering I missed a lot of flops, and the table played quite aggressive. I need to win those key pots, but I didn't. Well very please with my effort there.
Then I played a bit in PS. Managed to finish 11th in a PLO H/L tournament, losing to a 2 outer on the river when I had the nut low + Flush draw + GS vs a made low straight. The 2 on the river killed all my draw and the low. In the next PLO H/L tourney, I busted out midway thru. I had Ah 3s 5s Qh, the guy had AAK8 rainbow. HU raised pot pre-flop. I checked raised all-in on the flop and he called. Flop 2h 4h Qd. OK! His AA was in front, but any A, 3, 5, 6, Q or hearts, I would have the best hand. Also could have chop with any 7 or 8. So I had like 20 outs to win straight up, plus 6 outs for a chop. With such a big draw, although I won't put my life in it, but certainly go to war with you! At the end, AA held up!

Had a chat with Suprman before, and he has quited PS. He reckons you can't win in PS unless they let you win. All those coolers are killing him. PS rewards donkeys shoving all-in with 33 vs your higher pair. 2 outer on the river is PS speciality. For me, I hardly lose to the 2 outer river, but cold deck always follows me at crucial moments, esp in those donkfest tournys.
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