Thursday, October 29, 2009
Back to swim after 2 months. Same old BS!!!
The tournament capped at 100 players. Top 12 will be paid. Each player will have 2500 starting stack, 20 min level. In the very first hand I dealt AK off. After several limpers, I pop to $250. BB called as well as 1 limper called. Flop QQ8 with 2 hearts. BB lead out for $400, next guy folded, and I called with my AK. Didn't know what he had, but more likely on the draw. Turn rag, he checked, I also checked. River K but completed the flush. He checked to me and I checked as well. He showed J 9 off for a missed GS, and I won with my AK.
The action was fast and furious. With blinds 50/100. All folded to CO raised to $300. I called in the BB with 7 8 off. Flop 6 9 10 rainbow. At that moment, 2 things crossed my mind. I flopped the nut straight, from Grand Master's Word of Wisdom, I must fold! In the other side, based on Superman's fantasy playbook, I must slow play. Since Superman has been doing well recently in FullRig, I am following his lead. So I checked. Button bet $500, I raised to $1k. Then he shoved, I called. He showed A 10 and my hand held up.
I splashed around a bit afterwards. Hit nothing at all, and create a lot of action. Then a rock UTG raised to $400, I flat called in BB with JQ off. Flop 6 8 10 with 2 clubs. I lead out for $600 and see what he will do. He flat called only. Turn another 8 but complete the flush. I lead out for $1.2k. After a lot of thought, he mucked.
With stack almost $8k. I played tight in the next level. Now I can see a lot of mushroom in the house and getting very horny. Now blinds up to 200/400. I had pocket 9s UTG. I raised to $1200. All folded to the BB and he called. Flop 9 6 4 rainbow. BB bet $2500 into me. I gave myself a lot of TV time in the process. Master Gee loves doing this at the Pond. I flat called. Turn J. He shoved all-in into me and I called instantly. He showed A 10 off. Dead!!!!
Now with a big stack, I got moved to another table. A bunch of monster stack over there, and I played very tight. I didn't have any cards at the new table. With blinds 600/1200 stack about $20k. I laid down A 9 off to the Rock, open shoved on button for $13k. 1 round later I dealt pocket 10s in BB. UTG shoved all-in for $8k, one mushroom called for $3k+. I called as well. AA vs AK vs 10 10. AA held up. Then the table laugh at me, saying what a donkey call that was with pocket 10s after 2 shoves. Did I missed something? Cost me less than 1/3 of my stack with no further betting to come, getting more than 2-1 odds, I think it was a right call. I were in gambling mode. Since there were a side pot, my hand didn't need to beat both to win.
I managed to sneak into the money, but short in stack. Here are the payout structure:
12th to 8th pays $135
7th pays $175
6th pays $260
5th pays $345
4th pays $445
3rd pays $625
2nd pays $850
Winner pays $1475
At the final table, I shoved all-in twice with marginal hands and won the blinds to keep my stack flowing. Then I got lucky with my A 4. With blinds $1k/$2k, UTG limp for $2k. I shoved with A 4 off for $8k. All fold, and UTG called with QQ. Flop 3 5 6, turn 9 river 7. I got lucky there with A 4. Then I managed to triple up with KK. Chip leader donkey raised to $7k, next guy shoved all-in for $25k +. I shoved for $18k, UTG folded. My KK held up against AK.
Several guys busted, and now 5 handed. The guy next to my right talks a lot, and brag that he made the poker team via some satellite. At first I thought he must be good, but later I found out he is nothing but a donkey. Blinds 2k/4k, he limp in CO with KJ off. SB called, and BB shoved all-in for $9k. SB acted out of turn and called the bet. So cost him extra $5k to call, and he had like $20k behind him. Then he said," I must be dominated!" Then he folded! WOW! Dry pot, getting more than 4-1 and he fold? AK vs 99. The board ran out J high and no straight no 9, plus small pair. No idea what kind of poker theory is that? Maybe I should go and play at
Moments later, I double up the mushroom. All folded to him in SB and he shoved for 12k. Cost me $8k to call in BB and I got 10 7 off. I knew he would shove with wide range of hands, but due to pot odds, I called. He showed pocket 2. Hit 2 on the turn. But I managed to win it back all in the very next hand with 6 2 off. UTG limp, folded to me in SB and called. BB checked. Flop 6 9 10. I lead out for $5k and everyone folded.
During 5 handed, the blinds come around very quickly. The button stole my big blind twice already when all folded to him. I gave him credit for the first time, but the second time I had no hand to call with. Now for the third time, he pop to $12k. folded. I had A 6 off. I picked up a tell on him, knew he was weak. I had like $40k behind me and I shoved all-in. Somehow he was a Snapper! Snap called me with Ah 7h. He had me covered by $2k or so. I flopped 6, but he got runner flush. I busted out in 5th place.
I have no idea how he can call with that hand? I have been playing tight /solid in the final table. I shoved a few times, but showed the table I had a hand. AQ, 88 or so. Now, please tell me what does his Ah 7h beating? Based on my shoving range: Flip with 66 or below, 60/40 fav vs 2 high cards like 10J, KQ or so; but 3-1 dog vs bigger Ace or any pair 7 or above. At the end it didn't matter. I played the hand bad, not because I shoved with A 6 and knew he was weak; but my play was simply too advance for those donkeys to realise. As I said before, I try to paint the hand so much, at the end I was selling Dali's Masterpiece to some retards. They never get it, and they never fold!
Thursday, October 22, 2009

I am back in Adelaide. Nothing much to do in here, and I won't be swimming over here. It is a shark tank! Recently I have found out something, I can't play any cash tables either in PS or FullRig! Coolers always following me, I can't win with AA vs AK, and my BIG SNAKE always bump into AA. Different story to Superman. He is killing the KO game in FullRig (sort of).
Recently I have done well in PLO donkfest tourneys in both PS and F.Rig. So I tried my hand in some of their cash tables as well. So the result, I burnt my finger. Always bought in for the max, but I never last more than 10 hands. It was a lottery. All those guys have potential to become the next Neil Robertson or Ronnie O'Sullivan. They just love potting with any sort of hands, and never fold to any bets. Everytime I flop a set, I lost to some crappy draws, and all my 24 outs draw, never got there against their AA. I think I better stick to PLO tournys instead. One night I played a $14 PLO sub-satellite in Full Tilt. I won a $109 ticket to another satellite. Still thinking about whether I should play in it or not. That main satellite is for a $535 seat to FTOPS Event 6.
Had a prop bet with Superman the other night. We agreed to play 5 KO SNG, and see who will get the most prizes. At the end, both of us didn't cash in any of them, but he got 1 KO more than me. Losing to him is hard to swallow, plus now he has the bragging right. OMG! Now I have to cop all those shits from him. After 2 days, he is driving me insane already. Not only he won the prop bet, but he also did well in some PLO table, from $50 up to $200+. Hitting everything with any 4 cards dealt to him. Sure it helps!
The most amazing part was not online. Couple days ago, he went to the Pond with $100, sat down on a $2/$3 table. After paying $5 time charge, he only had $95 behind. He managed to double up early with JQ, flopping top pair, and some big stack pro tried to bully him. Put him all-in with A 5. Obviously Superman called and his top pair held up.
Several rounds later, he dealt 22 in late position. That same big stack raised to $15, and Superman called with his pair of ducks. Flop A A 2. As usual Superman will slowplay it, but the table went ballistic. Turn 4, which had 3 flush on the board. After a lot of betting and calling, we saw a 4 way all-in. Superman had 22 for full-house, one guy had an A, one guy didn't show but most likely he had flush or the other A. The big stack showed J 5 off. WOW! Superman's 22 held up and he quadruple up. Then he donk away his stack a bit.
In the final hand before he left, he had 6 8 off. Flop 6 8 10. He lead out for $25 on the flop and got 2 callers. Turn J which complete 3 flush. Superman bet $50, 1 fold and the last guy went all-in for $130. Superman made a crying call. He discussed the hand with me and I said the guy shoved with 10 J. I were right, but since Superman has improved a lot, he told me he saw the 8 was coming. River 8! Bingo!!!!
I always think Superman is a fish! Now I admit I am totally wrong. Now he has become those top instinct player, with a bit of those little funny feelings (Like Phil Hellmuth)! He has transform himself from a fish into a bigger creature. An EEL!!! An eel also eats worms, they eat little fishes, but sharks would never touch them! An eel could be lethal. They hide between rocks and corals. They will snap you in an instant. Some of the eels are so special, they might have some fancy play syndromes, but when they turn over their hands, you can feel the electricity in the water! Since he is very good friend of mine, he is generous enough to give me some advise or two. He told me not to play NLH anymore, coz I suck at it. Just stick to PLO and I might be able to grind a dollar or two! Thank you for your advice, but I don't think I can play either one of them. If you have Luck, you are a Superstar! If you don't have luck, you just SUCK!
Friday, October 16, 2009

I am taking a break from snooker right now. Without any flippers, I haven't swum at the Pond for a while. No intention going there as well. So at the meantime, I just swim in PS and FullRig.

I started off the week making Final Table at FullRig. Second in Chips entering to the final table, but the chips were pretty even. I ended up busting out in 5th place. Not a bad result, considering I missed a lot of flops, and the table played quite aggressive. I need to win those key pots, but I didn't. Well very please with my effort there.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Time for some self-reflection!

Lack of knowledge? I don't think so. Having more than 30 books in my poker library, and I have read them all. I read more books than when I were in college. Most of them I read it more than once.
Did I bluff too much? I don't think so! I play tighter than a rock.
Money management problem? NO! Playing micro-limits won't hurt my bankroll too much. I consistently using my hit and run strategy to keep my swing to the min.
Inferior oppositions? This must be it! Why everytime when I had the goods on the flop, I always get chased out? Everytime I was bluffing when I missed all my draw, the guy will snap call my bet with 22 on a A K J 9 9 board? Do they have pokerrng? or they can read my cards! I don't know about that, but one thing for sure. They might be a poker expert in their own mind, but I am definitely the better driver. I drive so slow, I always have enough time to step on the breaks. I always know that FOLDING is like the IRON CURTAIN, it will protect your chip stack like nothing else. If you never go all-in, you will never bust! Easy as that! It is the most useful weapon in your poker Arsenal.
Back to topic! So why I still lose? Now I just find out the answer.
1) I read too many poker books
2) I watched too much TV
3) I try too hard to copy the Master's superior poker ability. Try too hard to create my own Masterpiece.
Everytime when I am in a hand, I try too hard to play it perfect. Watching the Master did all his fancy moves was truely amazing. I forgot one thing. To win the war, you must know yourself as well as your enemies. If you are not up to that standard, you should never try it. All those limp raise UTG with AA followed by an all-in bet on the flop, doesn't work at micro-limits level. Poker God will punish you being sneaky. Also those 3 bullets bluff with air doesn't work at my table because they work for Telstra, a bunch of calling stations. Those check/raise bluff on the river will never work for me, my opponents love to keep me honest! Those check/raise on the turn, follow by an all-in bet on the river, also never work for me. I create the pot so big, due to POT ODDS, they always get 2-1 on their money to call. So folding on their part will not be an option.
Every hand I play, I try to follow the Master's footstep. I try to create some Masterpiece. Try to play the Meta-game. No matter how hard I try, it will not work. You try to paint your hand as beautiful as possible, at the end you are just selling Mona Lisa to a bunch of blinds and retards. They won't get it. Talking to idiots and morons about Monet and Renoir is just waste of time. My downfall in poker is caused by my play. I lot of times I play the hand far too sophisticated (try be like the Master) for the poker public in gereral to understand.
Right now I should follow another poker expert's footstep. Fold or all-in preflop. If Folding is the Iron Curtain, then ALL-IN preflop must be the IRON FIST in the poker arsenal. The good thing about this strategy is, it is a lot easier to play. Also most of the time you will win the hand uncontested. Even winning the blinds is still a win. Now I have learnt something. Thank you Mr. Sklansky! From now on I will be following your lead! Wherever you lead, I will dance with you!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
PS wants me back!
Couple of days ago, I decided to quit Pokerstars for good. No more money in the account and ready to install that silly software. All of the sudden, something popped out of my mind. I still have like 3500+ FPP in their. So what I did, was spent it all in those donfest satellites. I played about 8 of them, and won 2 for a total T$22. Once again Pokerstars proved the whole world that there is no math involved in poker. I won like 2 out 8 with my pair vs A-rag. There is an old say:" If you don't have an Ace, you don't really have a case!" So thank you Pokerstars, once again I learnt a valuable lesson from you.
Master Buck did his trick again, and he just got back from the hospital. He had his arse stitched up after a pounding from Pokerstars. With no money in his account as well, I told him to play in my account. Play whatever tournaments he liked, and we split 50/50. At first he went to a $5 NLH with re-buy and obviously did no good. Then he registered in some $1 NLH donkfest, didn't cash at all. With $2.10 in the account he had the last roll of the dice. He finished 16th the $1 donkfest for $10. Brought his $10 to some cash table, and roll up to whatever amount. Also cashed in a $11 NLH MTT for $20. He played in my account for 20 hours straight, and end up building the roll over $100+. After that Master Buck transfer back his share of the pie, and left about $54.41 in my account.
With suck a huge bankroll, no way I am going to stay put. First thing I did was withdrawing $50, no matter what and left $4.40 behind for SNGs. Then I registered in $2.20 NLH donkfest. I finished 12th for $9.65. In the last hand, we were playing 6 handed, the guy had AA in the BB played very well. I had Kh Qs, first in raised 3 times BB. Fold to BB flated called with AA. Flop 8 8 10 with 2 hearts. He check- miniraised my c-bet on the flop. Qh on the turn and he shoved. I called with my top pair, good kicker + flush draw, and he showed AA. I could still won the hand with Q and heart on the river, but blank came. Well, made mistake on the flop. Should have folded to the check-raise rather than floating around. Very please with my effort!
Straight after that, with about $10 in the account, I registered in another tournament. $5.50 PLO H/L. I went all the way to the final table. I held the chip lead at one point with 4 players remaining. I were 2-1 deficit in chips against the flop rack who never missed anything. I ended up finishing 2nd in the tournament for $110.
With such a monster bankroll, of course I have to withdraw. $100 back to Neteller, and leave $18+ in there. Today I cashed in another $3.30 NLH MTT. Somehow Pokerstars back to normal. All you have to do is to run/run/run, chase/chase/chase, swim/swim/swim. Pokerstars will reward you for your persistent. I built a good chip stack early on the tournament. In the first orbit, I got 99 on the button. Multiway limp pot and I pop to $100. Obviously everyone call. Flop 9 10 10. I flopped the boat. All checked to me and I made a teasing bet of another $100. This time folded to UTG and he pop to $400. Got 1 caller, and I called as well. Turn Jd, UTG bet $600. MP folded, and I flat called. River Kd. So the board read 9 10 10d Jd Kd. Now he shoved all-in and I was thinking about folding. In PLO, this is a no brainer. We knew he had a 10. 9 10, J 10, K 10 are all within his range. I could only beat A 10, Q 10 and 10 8. With 3 flush and 4 straight on the board, I can eliminate A 10 and 8 10. If he had one of those hands, he wouldn't shove the river. Only beating Q 10, what the hack! I made a crying call, and he really showed Q 10.
Then had KJ in SB, raised pot. UTG raised with AQ, several callers, and I flopped top 2 pair. I check raised UTG on the flop, and he shoved the turn when another blank came. I called instantly and bust his arse again. Sitting around 12k in chips, blinds 50/100 with no antes, about 1000 players remaining, this hand came up. I am in the BB with JJ. Several limpers, I check my options. Many people will raise in my spot, but I decided to check. Here's why:
1) Keep the pot small preflop
2) People tend to chase overs when the pot is big
3) No intention to play a big pot with my stack right now.
4) Don't want any all-in donk fest.
5) Most importantly, no one going to fold.
Flop 9 10 4 but with 2 clubs. SB check, I check as well. UTG bet $100. Got 1 caller and I check-raised to $1200. UTG had about $6K left in his stack flat called. All folded, which is a good sign for me. Either he had the 10, a set or flush draw. Turn off sthoot 5. I put him all-in and he snapped called his whole stack about $4.6K with nothing but QJ off. River K and he double up and my stack crippled. Managed to sneak into the money.
With $20 in the account, time to donk away in cash tables. Went to NLO H/L, try to shove everything pre-flop, but ended up getting chop in every hand. Managed to double up with A245. Flop 3 6 8. I open shoved and got a guy called with a dry A 2. 2 on the river and I double up to $35. At the meantime I am going to play recklessly. I am going to play like there is no tomorrow. I am going to play like a sex manaic, horny at its peak, just shove everything up all those donkey's asses. Go ahead! I am going to smash all you donkeys whoever is in my way. All of you should go back and report to the rail. Most importantly you should check back in to the mental hospital where you came from. Because all you donkeys are a bunch of spastics. Get out of my way!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
I always admit you can't beat any lucktard in this game. They carry more missiles than the US Army. When they drop a bomb on you, you can't hide. Since I am not a terrorist, and I don't look anything like Osama bin Laden; I can't even dodge bullets like Phil Hellmuth. Please tell me what chance do I have? I used to love PS a lot. When the love is over, it is over. PS is totally different than your ex-GF. Your ex always gives you the best blowjob in the world. Somehow, PokerStars gave me nothing but Bad Beats. With only $6.40 in the account, time to donk it away in my swung song tournament. Master Buck sent me extra $2.40 and I entered the $8.80 PLO. Here was how I went.

Very first hand in the tournament dealt 2345. Limp pot to the guy on my right made it $80, I called to see the flop. As usual in these donkfest tournament, everyone called. I hit a wrap with bottom pair. I have 6 clear outs, maybe 8 if no one had a set. Flush card a bit worry but everyone had deep stack relative to the blinds. Donkey on my left bet pot, I called. That moron on my left re-pot. All fold to the Donkey called. Cost me $600 something more to call, I decided to call. Turn 5. I had the nuts but still vurnable. Donkey bet all in, I had to call, so did the button. I triple up in the very first hand.

People says :" A good start is halfway to success!" Sorry mate! I don't think so, especially in PS tourneys surrounded by either Lucktards or mushrooms. In my opinion, " A good start is halfway to collapse!" With a good start, your self destruction will be more spectacular than normal. Because it is good for TV, good for railbirds and good for Poker wombats in general.
Called a pot double raised pre-flop with 6789 on button. Missed flop and folded instantly. Still have $9k in chips, now Robin Hood came in for a ride. Dealt AA36 ss in BB. I am not going crazy with this hand with the stack so deep. If I want to play, I will play a monster pot pre-flop. Not really want to raise OOP in BB selling my AA cheaply. MP opened the pot for $60, now Robin Hood re-pot to $210. Got 2 callers in the middle. Ideal situation for my hand, now I can re-pot to $1k+. All folded to Robin Hood, he re-pot me to a touch less than $3k. All folded to me and I put him all-in, he called. Flop, turn, river. You know what happen with his junks. Robin Hood is a real hero, but the fake one, as he is, is nothing but a moron . He has nothing in common with Bacon and Eggs, the Professor of snooker. Also I don't think Berry Greenstein will shove and play the way he did. Also, I don't think he has done much charity work in the past. All I can tell was hes a lucktard idiot, perhaps feeling very horny. He just want to shove everything up his ass whenever he can. Robin Hood then went on a tear, after robbing from my stack, he ended up busting out within the next orbit. Sharing my chips around to all members at the table.

My stack still about $6k. Then this one came up. Blinds $15/$30. Huge multiway limp pot. I called in kighjack position with 3567. I had good position and don't mind seeing a cheap flop. Flop 3 4 K rainbow. What a flop for my hand. Now I have a pair of 3 along with a big wrap. Forget about the 3, I still have 13 outs to the nuts. With no flush draw there, my hand is a monster. SB lead out for $180, got 1 caller, I pop to $900, trying to buy the button and a free card on the turn as well. Now SB went ballistic, and shove. The MP caller also shoved. I was thinking, both guys must have at least 2 pair or sets. Mathematically I am still 40% to win, with no more betting to come, and the pot laying me better than 2-1. I love those situation. By the way who doesn't love to Get Laid? I called, SB called all-in. 2 pair vs 2 pair vs my big draw. I hit my 2 on the turn with 2 flush blockers, plus SB also had a blocker. I was 78% to win the hand, and you know what happen next.
Those guys play 2 pairs on the flop like there is no tomorrow. I know I am a worn in NLH, but not in PLO. I always take great pride on my PLO reads and plays. Somehow, for some reason I simply can't beat those Holdem players in Omaha. What's going on in here?

Now I am back to my original stack, about $2900. Instead of limping and calling. Through out the tourney I played less than 10 hands that I were dealt. My flop percentage was like 30%, so it was a bit on the tight side in PLO. Now in the SB, blinds 25/50, dealt AKK2ds. As always got 5 limpers, I massage the pot for a $200 raise. Not going to go crazy in SB, as my stack still pretty deep. If I hit a good flop, I can do I lot of moves. Flop A82 with 2 spades. Had top and bottom pair, but very vulnerable. I am representing AA, and bet 1/2 pot $600. I need to find out how many Ace out there and who is on flush draw. All folded to the button and he flat call. Here was my assumptions:
1) He either had the A for 1 pair (coz if he had 2 pair or set, he will go ballistic!).
2) Bottom 2 pair (coz they play all kinds of junks).
3) Maybe only a pair of 8 with running cards ( About time for me to fish around, and might get lucky. I can always hit something on the turn and continue. Maybe PS has some malfunction, and would let me use all 4 of my cards at the same time).
4) 345 combo (Likely)
5) Flush draw (very likely).
Turn an off suite 10. Not the card I was hoping for but still not too bad. If he hit the turn for 2 pair, nothing I can do. Still think I am in front, and try to end it right there. I bet the pot for $2.4k, now he shoves, and cost me another 800 to call. Can't fold, coz I am still beating 10 8, AQJ or A9J7 combo. You know what happen next! 60% favorite on the flop, any flush card, I definitely fold unless 2s. Need to give me the worst card of all. He had no implied odds whatsoever, and he still stacked!
Pokerstars. I won't miss you, and please! From now on you and me are parting ways. Spring time is here. Perhaps you should open a Booth at the Royal Melbourne show ground. You can go ahead and invite all those motherluckers there, so the whole world will know what a lucktard is like. Also I can give you another great idea. You can sponsor the Spring Racing Carnival. Make a race like Pokerstars Melbourne Cup. Run some freeroll donkfest satellite in your site, I am sure you will find the best 20+ donkeys in this world. The race won't be run at Flemington but at the POND. It will be the last race at the Emirates Cup day. Make it an international event, invite the best camels from the Middle East. I am pretty sure all your donkeys will outswim those camels!