Thursday, July 30, 2009

I Hate Poker!

Superman called me up again and we went for another swimming session on Tuesday. I showed up around 3pm, and he's already busted. I only had about $500 in my wallet, and he asked me for $200. I lend it to him and watch him play on the rail. Somehow my money must be a lucky charm to him. Soon after he dealt 10 10 in CO. All fold to MP raised to $25, he called as well as button, all others fold. Flop Qd 10c 7d. MP bet $50, leaving $75 behind him. Superman flat called, button folded. Turn Ks. MP shoved all-in, Superman going nowhere and called. MP showed JJ, river blank and he won with his set.

In the very next hand he dealt 88. Limp pot and he raised to $20. A bunch of callers. Flop A 8 6 with 2 diamonds. All checked to Superman and he checked as well. Turn another diamond, and checked around to him and now he bet $35. Got 1 caller. River blank, and he bet $60. The guy called and Superman won with another trips. I walked away came back in 30 min and saw his stack built up close to $700.

It was around 4pm and I went to have something to eat. Came back around 4:30pm, and saw his stack down to $170. I asked him what happen? He told me he got 2 bad beats + he missed a big draw. In the first hand, he called $15 raise with 3 5 sthooted. Flop A 2 4. He slow played his hand on the flop, and check-raised all-in when a guy bet big on the flop. That guy had A 4, A on the turn and he drawn dead. Down $200 in that pot. Then he called another $25 raise with 5 J off. Flop 5 5 K. The flat called $50 on the flop, then another $170+ all-in bet on the turn. The guy had AK, river K. So down another $200+ in that hand.

Then he had JQ sthooted. Called another $20 raise pre-flop. Flop K rag rag. He fishing around on the flop, called a $30 bet. Turn 10s. Gave him open ended + flush draw. He called another $60 bet. Missed the river, so down another $100+ in that hand.

He kept on calling raise with ATC pre-flop. In one hand he called $15 with J 6 off. Missed the flop and folded. Then in the very next hand he got J3 sthooted. He folded to a $10 raise pre-flop. I asked him, "Why you folded? Only cost you $10 plus your card is STHOOTED. So you must be thinking with J 3, you will have kicker problem!" To make matters worse, flop came JJx. LOL!!!

It had been fun watching him play. At the same time standing at the rail really hurt my feets. Soon after he busted with pocket 10s all-in preflop, lost to the MIGHTY TUNA. Then I had to shout him for dinner and lend him another $200. Obviously he lost it in 20 min playing BJ and Baccarat. During dinner he asked me about the odds on those hands. I told him every hand he was either huge favorite or priced in on his draw. At the same time I told him he shouldn't get involved at all to start with. Bad luck in the suck-outs, but those hands he should put it in the muck pre-flop. Also he has "Fancy Play Symptoms!"His responds were very professional. Here are his reasons for calling:
1) He can always hit!
2) The pot was big!
3) No one folding, so he always have ODDS to call.
4) People going to pay him off if he hits big hand.

Well! I can't argue with him. Those are the NEXT LEVEL thinking I am trying to Master. Better ask Master Gee or Mr.Sklansky about ODDS, as I have no idea whats it all about.

After my FullTilt experience, now I am back to PS. Went to Brunswick club and watched the pennant finals. KO Master, Grand Master and Neverlose lost in the "B" reserved Grand Final. Bad Luck, but the Princes Wankers really had a strong team with Malaga, King of Side, Nichole4P. Went home afterwards and I had the worst 30 minuted ever in PS. First I donk away $25 in 25c/50c PLO. With flop 10QKA with 2 spades, my stacked went in with KJs8s9. Unfortunatly the other guy also had the same hand AJ but also As 6s. Spade river! Gone!

Went to 25c/50c NLH deep table. I fold in the first orbit without playing a hand. First hand I played got KK. Won a small pot. Then I ran a semi-bluff with Ad Jd in Q high but 2 diamond board. Built it up to like $60. Then the very next hand in MP got AK. I raised to $1.50. Only the blinds called me, 3 way action. The table was pretty tight but aggressive. Flop 99A. They all check to me, but I checked as well. I try to keep the pot small, coz either I were way in front or way behind. Flush draw or Ace will mostly bet on the flop, and I don't mind giving 1 free card. Turn another Ace. SB lead out for $3.50, BB folded, I flat called. I am not folding and try to let him bluff at it on the river. River 5d. Now he shoved for $40+. I called and you know what he had from the pic above! Then shoved all-in with 10 10 for $12+ and bumped into KK.

Really on tilt! Went to 50c/$1 PLO HU table. In the third hand, I were in the BB. SB pop to $3, I called with Ac Kh 10c 6h. Flop 2h 4h 9h. I lead out for $5, he called. Turn 5s. I bet $15. He called. River 7h. I shoved all-in for $36+, he called again. Showing the nuts! You gotta love this game. Losing $120+ in the process won't effect my mojo. But all on coolers really hurts. Time to head back to snooker tables as Albury is on next week. Hopefully I have a good draw.

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Neverlose Love Affair

I lost in the final in the Yarraville Club Championship over the weekend. It wasn't a strong field as Alan Croft, Thorpy, David Collins and Steve Cain didn't play in it. I beat a C-grader 3-0, then Kevin Stone 3-0. In the semi I won 3-1 against Brad Harris, but lost in the final against The Great Has Been (Stan) 3-1. Overall I played pretty good, but need to work on my break building. Scoring 30+ break in an open pack won't be enough against good opponents. Need to work on it to have a good run at Albury in a fortnight.

Went home afterwards and watched the Crows demolished Port poofters in the Showdown. Unfortunately the bloody Bombers lost to the Tigers by 5 points and screwed me up. I had $50 parlay on Lions + Bombers + Dockers + Crows and Sydney. Damn!

Then Superman called me up and we went for a SWIM. We sat down in a new table but playing 7 handed all the way. Nothing really spectacular on my play. My stack went from $200 down to $95 back up to $350 and I left with $280. Won an all-in pot with QQ. UTG limp, I pop to $18, all folded, UTG called. Flop Jd 4d 5c. UTG check/called my $50 flop bet. Turn another 4. I shoved for $107 all-in. He called with Ad 3d. River another J.

Superman didn't fare well in the table, he busted his $200, re-buy for final $50 and built up to like $90. Then table broke up and he moved. From $90, he managed to double up twice plus winning some small pots. His stack reached to $400. His table was very wild, there was a mushroom stack shoving preflop every hand. Superman dealt KK UTG, he limped (planning to shove when the mushroom shove as well.) Unfortunately all limp, flop J Q 7. Superman bet, and now 2 players shoved, he called $200 more. Turn A river rag. He lost to AQ.

With less than $200 in the stack, now he took a more aggressive route. ATC every hand, and soon after this hand came up. He limp in CO with 34 off. Limp pot and flop 3s3c4s. SB check, BB bet $20, UTG called, Superman called, SB called, others folded. Turn 7d. SB checked, BB bet $50, UTG shoved for $125+, Superman shoved for $150+, SB check-raised to $250. BB folded. SB showed 56 for straight, UTG didn't show but he asked for a repeat, Superman stood up and kept quiet. (Perhapes he has been watching too much TV lately) River another 4 , UTG jumped in the air and celabrate with joy flipped over J 3 off. SB mucked his hand in disguess, then Superman flipped over his bigger boat. What an acting job he has done. He slow-rolled his hand into perfection. Looking at UTG's reaction afterwards was nothing but priceless! Well done!

I also saw Sam Fishy last night. Had a chat with him and as usual, he was annoying as ever. Everything came out from his mouth is about Neverlose. I told him I don't care about him, I don't think I could have any conversation with him because I don't like him as a person. Somehow Sam Fishy wouldn't stop, promoting Neverlose as the Guru in this world. After 2 minutes, I left. I am not going to listen to all those crap anymore.

Why is Sam Fishy so obsessed to Neverlose? Are you 2 having a love affair? Did he give you the biggest cum ever in your life? Are you gay? Is it because Neverlose's penis just a touch thicker than a toothpick, and it fits perfectly up your ass? Is it because he was your first love? Or is he the guy that broke your virginity? Maybe Neverlose has some special odore that really turns you on? After I said, I don't like to talk about this guy, why would you still mentioning about him? Is he the true Guru in your mind and you are his #1 follower? Are you just acting stupid, or you are in fact stupid? Or actually you are mentally retarded? Too many questions with no answer. Forget about it!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Did I play it bad?

My $40 in FR has busted. They know I am leaving, so they decided to give me 2 suck outs so I can leave in peace. Lost $20 in NL omaha H/L, open shove preflop with AA57, got called by A2KJ. Flop KK9 and I am gone. Then in PLO, The guy flop top set but he checked. I also checked with my nut flush draw on the button. I made my flush on the turn, the guy with top set bet pot, I shoved all-in and he called. Board pair river, BUSTO!
It has been a good ride in FR, so back to PS again. Just deposite US$150 in there and want to see if they are missing me or not. So far so good, played in the 50c/$1 NLH. Dealt AA once, KK twice and JJ once. I raised each time and got no callers. Donk away a bit in PLO, those guys played like lottery. Fucken sick! Then bought in for $50 in 25c/50c deep table. Had a good start in first hand in BB. Got Ah 8h , limp pot, A K 3. All check on the flop, 9 on the turn, SB bet turn and river . I caught him bluffing for $10 pot. Then dealt KK, raised $1.50 UTG+2, only 1 caller. Flop quads turn A, check/check all the way and he fold to my $2 bet river.
Then took a little hit with 77 in SB. 1 limper, button raised to $2 , we all called including BB. Flop K 3 6. All checked the flop. Turn 2 , I lead out for $4, BB and button folded, MP Gimp called. River J and I bet $11, he called and won showing 23. Now I know that guy is a gimp. In the very next hand on the button dealt 33. All fold to the Gimp and he raised to $1.50, folded to me and I took Master Gee's route, raising to $6. Blinds fold and he called. Flop 8h 3h Jc. He lead out for $3, I put him on a strong hand, 10 10, QQ, AJ, KJ etc. I pop to $9 acting I am on tilt. He flat called. Turn 5s. He checked, I knew he is not folding unless he had AK. With $30 inside, and I got $23 behind me, I changed gear to Sklansky mode. All-In! He instant call. River 6c. He showed AhKh and I won $74 pot.
A couple of hands later, got AA in MP. This is the hand I don't know whether I played it good or bad. I felt my image is very loose, so I will get a lot of action. The guy on my right is a tricky player. He doesn't mind play flops and call raises. He is willing to bet river (3/4 pot +) with semi-strong hands, nuts as well as bluffs. He opened the pot with a $2 raise, I re-raised him to $7.50 with my AA. All folded, and he called. Flop As Jd 8c. He checked to me and I bet $9.50 on the flop and he instant called. Turn 10d. He checked again. With $35 inside, and I had $57 behind me. I don't know how much to bet. His range could be so big, he might pick up a diamond draw on the turn. Any K, Q , 9 or 7 , I knew he will bet big and I won't know what's going on. He might have nothing at all, and will bluff river because of the Ace showing. I didn't have the Ad in my hand so the Adxd could be in his range.
I shoved it on the turn, and he folded saying he had KK. The reason I shoved because the pot was big enough to take it down. Any bet I made, I won't fold on the river. I also feel that I overbet the turn by a mile. How would you play it? Would like to know your opinion! Comments always wellcome!

I am Back!

Finally back in Melbourne. I didn't play the PLO/NLH tourney on Sunday and I didn't swim again when I were in Adelaide. Would love to play that $1/$2 PLO. Next time thou!

Yarraville Club Championship is on this weekend. Went there yesterday and I saw Robby G. The table condition over there is very good, but those club balls are absolutely crap. Looks like they have shine the white ball with some Colgate toothpaste, but after you take a closer look, you will find they have more dents than the moon surface. The white is lighter than normal and it flys everywhere. I got no choice but to change the white ball from the billiard set of my own.

Now things start getting more interesting. Robby G saw it and jumped out from his wheelchair. Yelling at me and said that's not a proper white ball. He said," The white in the box is good. It is very responsive. You should practice with it." Robby G, I have no idea why they let you out from the nursing home. Even they let you out, it doesn't means that they will let you play snooker. He was so pump up, I fear he might have a heart attack very soon. So I just kept my mouth shut and ignored him. I tried a long shot and managed to screw back the whole length of the table with no effort at all. Here's my assumption:
1) The table condition is too perfect.
2) My cue action is as good as Neil Robinson
3) The Colgate white is too light.

I changed back the white ball, and now there were 2 C graders jumped onto me. They cruitized me using a different white again. At that moment, I felt my life was in danger. I felt that I was surround by a bunch of spastics and I had no idea what they will do next. Robby G might just transfer from nursing home to a mental hospital and he brought his mates along. All of the sudden Yarraville snooker room became a very dangerous place to stay. I left the jungle soon afterwards.

FR still being nice to me but I can feel the tide is changing. More and more river miricles are dropping against me. Managed to build my roll from US$40 to US$290. Withdraw US$250 already and the rest I don't care if I donk it away.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

My PLO experience

I am still in Adelaide, last night I went for a swim. They were no tournaments running, and I have no intention to play in any of their NLH cash tables, but they have $1/$2 PLO. I went there about 9pm, they only have 1 PLO table running and the list was short. Well, I stood on the rail and watch how they play and I found out most of them were Holdem players. They would go for a long way with their AA or KK. Raising (POT) with those hands pre-flop, with a pot-size bet on the flop is a must. I would love to sit in there.

The blinds were only $1/$2, and you can buy-in for any amount between $60 to $180. The table were very loose. You never see a cheap flop. Either the button or one of the blinds will automatically raise the Pot in every hand. Those are stupid aggression, especially from the blinds.
1) All they could raise to would be like $14 to $17, depends on the number of limpers.
2) No one folding for that amount.
3) They will be OOP through out the hand.

My strategy would be playing very tight if out of position, and very loose if I am on the button. I bought in for $180. Missed a couple of flop and slowly down to $150+. Then on the button had Kd Jc 10c 7c. Limp pot, I called $2, SB raised to $16, everyone called. $110 inside already. Flop Kh 10s 8h. As usual SB make a continuation bet $50, (mostly with nothing). 1 caller, and I shoved all-in for $134 total with my top 2 pair ( the GS 9 to the lower end straight is not really an out. Most likely if the guy is drawing, he should have JQ in his hand). SB folded instantly (Thank you for your dead money Sir!) MP called. Turn Qs , river 5c. MP turn over AKQ but he also had nut flush draw. So even with my top 2 pair, I were in pretty bad shape (Losing to any A Q J and hearts.) After the hand the SB said he had JJ with small flush draw. Bragging what a lay down he made on the flop. Blah! Blah! Blah! Blah!. Yeah! Well done! No wonder you are the real SB. No only you were in the small blind. You amazing play, great read, tough lay down, discipline in poker really make you a stand-out in this table. You deserved to be the real SB....... Stupid Bitch!

I re-buy for $170 (thats all I got in my wallet). I won a $90 pot with the nut straight on the turn. I bet pot and the guy folded. Now my stack at about $245+. Dealt 2 8 9 J ds on the button. The Great SB in his fav position do his fav move again after 4 limpers. He Pot to $14. This time only 1 caller, and I also call with my junks on the button. About $43 inside. Flop 8 10 3 rainbow. SB lead out with another Pot continuation bet. MP folded, I mini-raised him and see what he would do. I put him on an over-pair, but I have enough outs to goto WAR with him. Now he flat call. Turn 5. I still miss, he checked to me and I bet $90+ leaving $100 behind me. He ATC again. River K. Now I have to bluff. He checked again and I shove for $100. He took a long time and finally called. I said I missed, and he turned over QQ 24. OMG!

FullRig still serving me quite well at the moment. Now my mojo stands at $216. Most of my profit came from 25c/50c PLO. In PS, PLO in that limit is already a very tough game. Somehow I felt very comfortable playing in FR in that limit. I always get action when I had the nuts. In one hand, I flop boat, bet on the flop, got 4 callers. Turn was a flush card, I bet 1/2 pot, got 1 caller and a third guy raised me with the nut flush. I shoved all-in and both called. ( Ace high flush, King high flush and I got boat). They used to say, " If you can't bluff in Omaha, you simply can't win!" Not in here. Now I felt remorse whenever I bluff and win a pot. I won a $20 pot tonight bluffing on the river and you will never know how sad I am at the moment. I feel so remorseful, that I should donate my winning in that hand to somewhere. I also decided to penalize myself to donate more out from my own pocket. As I am a man of my own word, and I can tell you I have done it. I just paid up for the Australia National at RACV and it cost me $105.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I am in Adelaide. Spend most of my time with Dad. I will be back next Wednesday. So far FR rig it towards my way. From $40 to $132 within a week. Just withdraw $100. Want to see how far I can go. Still think that site is rig, lost a couple of big pots already, 3 or 4 outers on the river. Had 5c 6d 8c 9c. 25/50c 6 handed table, $25 stack. UTG pop to $1.75, I flat call, SB re-pop to $5, UTG called, and I called as well. Flop 7c 10c Qs. SB bet $5, UTG all-in , I went all-in as well. Turn Js, river 3c. UTG had KKc 2c x. Stupid 4 outer on the river. At the meantime, I will still play in there coz of the 5X Happy Hour. Currently I have 3200+ points in there, need to reach about 8500 points for the retro bowling shirt.

Might go for a swim on Sunday. They have $95 buy-in NLH/PLO freeze out MTT, with 4K starting chips and 20 min bank. With PLO in there, I will play. Also I will play in the Vic Champ $230 PLO on Monday August 3rd. Looking forward to it!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

FT vs PS

Snooker on Wed night, and we need to win big against RACV to have any chance to qualify for the finals. I won my match 3-0 against George Hoy, and overall we won like 15-3. Although it looks like a huge win, but still not enough to qualify for the finals. Not long ago we were sitting pretty in the top 4 and were several games in front of Humphrey Bear's team. Since then, they added Roger Leighton to their side, and he made a whole lot of difference. I would like to wish Humphrey Bear all the best in the final. At the same time, I also feel a bit sorry for him. He has to stuck with those faggots for at least another week. Thats shame!

Speaking of George Hoy. I really respect him a lot. He and Alan Croft and Paul Cosgriff are the 3 members really work hard in the VBSA board. I used to call George Hoy "5 B". That was ages ago and we were joking around. I said to him I would only call him "5B's" instead of "6 B's". Coz "6 B" stands for "Big Bad Bold Ball-Breaking Bastard!" Since he is all-right, I wouldn't call him a bastard. That's how 5B was formed.

Since my record breaking swim at the Pond, I have no intention going there again in the near future. I also tilt away my PS account, so time for deposite again. This time I deposited US$40 in PS as well as FT (also $40US). Already bust my PS account, had 2 buy-ins in the 10c/ 25c PLO. Flop dead all the way. In my first buy-in, my Ad Js 10d 8d lost to bottom 2 pair in 8 7d 4d. It was a raised pot and the guy had KK 47. I put him on over pair as he was the initial raiser. All the money went on the flop and he hit 4 on the turn for full-house. In my second buy-in, my bottom set bumped into top set. Not much I can do there, as I had 5677, flop K X 7.

In the other site, its about time that FT rig it my way. The PLO game in FT is a lot softer than in PS. Occasionally, there a a lot of pre-flop raising and people play like lottery. One thing I like in FT is that, people would bet right into me when I have the goods. They will also called my bet, when I had a set+ nut flush draw, all the way to the river with some 7 high flush draw. There was a hand when I had AKJx ds in CO. Limp pot, and I raise to $1 for value. Flop AAK, they all check to me and I bet $4 on the flop, and I still got 2 callers. Turn rags, we all check, river another rag. Some guy will shove into me with just a K in his hand. You gotta love it! Also in FT, I tend to hit more flops than in PS. From $40, I manage to build it up to $110. There is also a tournament I like to play in FT. "The daily dollar". Only $1 to enter, with a guarantee prize pool of $10k. On average, only 8000 entrants, pays top 1080th. Winner gets $1600. The structure is good, non-turbo with double stack. Plenty of play in it.

I guess a will stop playing at PS for a short while. Just want to see how far FT will rig it my way before I quit again! Heading back to Adelaide next Tuesday for a week. Might swim around over there. Mostly in tournaments. I had bad experience playing cash games over there. All I can say is, there are too many stables.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My Record Breaking Swim.

In the last few days, I tried to get my life back to normal. So no more late night, and hopefully wake up before 9am. Sunday morning, I woke up around 5:30am, then went to Princes. I had 2 hours of snooker solo. Monday morning woke up around 6am, same as today. So right now I am having a good life style, why not make it a bit healthier? So I decided to go for a swim this morning in THE POND.

I went there about 7am, and there was still 5 tables running. Each table had around 7 or 8 players in there, so not too bad. My table was 8 handed, 5 of them have at least $500 stack, I had $200, and the other 2 had less than $200. In he first 2 hands I were in the blinds, folded pre-flop. The table seems not too wild, but soon after, it was all an illusion. In the 3rd hand, I were on the button dealt KK. UTG raised pre-flop to $20. Got 2 callers in the middle and I made it $80. No Ace on the flop and I will shove. All of the sudden, SB shoved all-in for $167, initial raiser flat called, all the MP folded, I shoved for $193. UTG called extra $26. Flop J 9 9, turn 8 river A. I lost the side pot, as UTG showed A J, SB had Q 10. First bullet gone!

I re-buy for another $200. In a limp pot, I dealt Ac 7c, I called for $3. I hit bottom pair and fold on the flop. I managed to see a cheap flop in the BB with 8 2 off, hit nothing and fold. Then next hand in SB, dealt 9d 10d. The same donkey with AJ raised to $18, as always got 2 callers, I called, the same Lucktard in the BB called as well, 5 way action $84 inside already, and my stack about $174. Flop Qs 6d 8d. A very good flop for me, 2-way gutter + flush draw (straight flush draw). I checked in the dark, so did BB. AJ donkey lead out for $35. 1 guy in the middle folded, and the other called. This time I raised to $85. I am going nowhere. I am shoving no matter what comes on the turn. This time BB ATC $85. UTG folded, so did the CO. Turn 4h. I shoved for $90, and he called. River Kc. I missed the lot and can't win. I showed my 10 high and BB showed 4d7d and won with a pair of 4s.

Well! I don't want to say much in here. As usual that lucktard taught me a lesson. He said, "I am not going to fold my straight flush draw!" I knew the mistake I have make in this hand. I should lead out like $30 on the flop and shove the turn, or just check-raise shove on the flop. Since the LT in BB is not folding, I guess the result would be the same(He would still call). 7:25am in the morning and I am in no mood for any poker lectures. I left straight afterwards. Went back home and I were still on tilt, I donk away $80 in my PS account. Hmmmmmm! Whatever! I am still devastated!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

All Star Table

Pennant snooker tonight and I lost to Don Richter 2-1. I don't like my performance tonight. Since I haven't played much snooker lately, can't expect I will be on fire once get into the table. The tables at Kooyong are pretty tight and fast. In my opinion, they are the best 3 tables in Melbourne at the moment. In the first 2 frame, I couldn't pot a ball and lost by a big margin. In the third, finally I found my cueing. Don gave me a long shot after break off, and I made 64 break. I missed on the pink, with 5 reds remaining. Damn! I thought it was going in, but the pocket was tight!

After the match, I called up Master Gee and we headed for a swim. At first we sat down on separate tables. I didn't like my initial table very much. It was like playing in PS with a bunch of mushrooms shoving pre-flop with anything up their asses! I only won 1 hand in that table. UTG, I limp with 66. A lot of people limp and flop came 6s 9d 10d. An average flop for my hand, with a bunch of draws out there. I lead out for $20 and see whats going on. The mushroom next to me called and all other fold. Turn another 6, now I made QUADS. I teased him with another bet of $25, no way he could fold! He called instantly. River 4c. I saw him have $37 behind, I figured another $25 will guarantee a call. A shove in that spot gains nothing, as he might fold a 9. He called instantly and I won with QUADS.

After that hand, the all-in pre-flop system continues and I changed to Master Gee's table. I didn't play a hand in the first round, but I realized they are a bunch of Poker All-stars over there. Here are the Chips and Player's seat position:

Seat 1: Me, the donkey at the table, plays tighter than a NIT. Stack, $200

Seat 2: Master Gee. The best player in the room, only cards can stop him to poker immortality. Stack $120.

Seat 3: Some Gut-Shot Guru. Guru in appearance, Lucktard in nature. He is the GS expert, can't count how many GS he has made in this table. Stack $800+

Seat 4: Quiet Asian. He doesn't talk much, but I am sure he understand English. Stack $200

Seat 5: Johnny World. He ATC a lot pre-flop, but he plays solid poker after the flop. Willing to fold if missed. Stack $180

Seat 7: Sahid Afridi. Some Pakistanis with an I-pod. I can't figure him out, Period! Maybe he doesn't even know what he is doing? Stack $400.

Seat 9: Brendon Favola. Some Italian youngster plays poker like bingo. Very Aggressive pre-flop out of position, and made a lot of blocking bets on the flop onwards. Just like the Charlton Spearhead, he talks more than Sam Fishy with a cocky nature.

After 1 orbit, I dealt Ks 10d in MP. Limp pot, I called. Master Gee in CO folded, Guru called, Johnny World in SB popped to $18. Everyone called, I called as well. Flop Ah Qh 3s. All check to me, try to steal it for a $40. Guru fold, Johnny World check-raised to $100. We all folded. He showed AK!

In the very next hand, I dealt QQ in BB. Everyone limp and I pop to $30. Now everyone called. Massive pot already. Flop 9 10 4 rainbow. I shoved all-in for $109. Guru raised to $250. Everyone fold. Guru said to me, I am in front but he doesn't want all those fish to chase. Turn Q, river K. I thought he might have 10 J, but he showed K 10, and I won a massive $300+ pot.

After the hand, Favola was whinging that I were very lucky coz Guru raised him out of the pot, and he had J in his hand. Well, Favola showed his true colour and we all know what a wanker he is in the AFL.

Two hands later on the button, dealt A 7 off. Limp pot, Flop A Q 8. All checked to me and I bet $10. All folded to Favola, he called. Turn 2. He checked, I bet $20, and now he raised to $50. I called for $30 more. River another A. He checked for the 3rd time. I thought for a while, with trips Aces- no kicker, no point betting and get called by the worse hand. So I checked, and Fevola showed 22. Now the conversation starts getting more interesting. He checked the river coz he put me on AQ. WOW! No way! I asked him why he called with 22 on the flop if he put me on AQ? He said only cost him $10 and he can always hit. OK!

A couple hands later in SB got Qc 10c. Limp pot and I called extra $1. Master Gee pop $10 more. No one folded and I called. Flop Qd Jh 2d. I lead out for $30, Master Gee folded, Guru called, Afridi shoved for $129 more. I stared at Afridi, and he was very confident. Didn't look like he was on draw. While Guru most likely on draw and I don't want to price him in. So I FOLD! Guru folded as well and showed J 7 off. Afridi showed J 2 off. WTF are those guys playing with those junks?

At the meantime, the Guru took a bunch of Afridi's stack. Limp pot, flop 5 5 Q. Afridi's lead out for $15, Guru called, all other folded. Turn A. Guru check/call another $25 bet. River K. Afridi bet $50, Guru popped to $125, Afridi called and showed 5. Guru showed 10 J for runner runner straight. As I said before, this game is all about Lucktards. By the looks of the Guru, he seems like more of a traditional Indian Guru to me. After he drop that runner-runner missile, he said he would call any bets in position coz he know the guy will pay him off if he hit. He also said this game is all about decisions.

I guess he has make a lot of good decisions in the past. Based on his outfits, I can tell he has been wearing those jumpers for days. Based on his cap, I wouldn't surprise if it is still back in the early 90s. So all these years, he must have make a lot of good decisions:

1) He is not a big spender. You can tell by his 90s outfits.
2) He must have invested his money wisely. Instead of investing in the stock market, he choose to invest it in Poker.
3) Based on my reliable source (Don't ask me! It is a secret!). His best decision ever made was 15 years ago. He decided to do an infamous penis transplant and FINALLY broke his virginity after 40+ years of incompetence.

Guru's Gut shot exhibition didn't end there. A couple of hands later, he took Afridi's stack. With $90 inside already, flop J Q 8, he called Afridi's $16 flop bet. Turn 10. Check/call Afridi's $30 bet. River 7, he shoved all-in and Afridi called. GS Guru showed A 9, and Afridi said he had a set. Now Favola starts talking again. He criticized Guru chasing GS on the flop and the conversation really heating up. I just have 1 question. With only $12 inside and I bet $10 on the flop, he put me on 2 pair and call with 22 (2 outer) and he thinks it is a good play. How can he think it is a bad play when Guru call a weak $15 bet on the flop, $90+ inside with his GS plus an Ace? I know you try to comfort Afridi. If you really want to comfort him, just go next door in the Crown Tower, open a room and give him a nice Thai massage. No one will know whats going on in there. Just like the Charlton football club, hash money will always in play.

In the very next hand, I dealt JJ in the BB. Another limp pot, this time Fevola pop to $30 pre-flop. Now I have 2 options. No way I am folding this, but he might have something like KQ which I don't want him to make a tilt shove. Don't really want to shove pre-flop with JJ, especially in a loose game like this. I expect him to make a continuation bet on the flop, and if I catch good flop I can isolate all the guys behind me. So I just called. Guru called as well as Johnny World. Flop Qh 8h 3s. Not a flop I was hoping for but still not too bad. Guru will call with anything, flush draw going nowhere and all I fear was Johnny World. Fevola bet $35 on the flop, I flat call. If anyone raised behind me, I knew I was beaten and can fold easily. To my surprised both fold. Turn Jh. Now Fevola bet $50. I knew I am in front, but with 3 hearts in board, I must raise. Thanks to Danial Sklansky, I learn something from him. I shoved all-in, in case he has a single heart in his hand. He folded instantly. I raked another $300+ pot.

Several hands later, I dealt 55 in raised pot. Flop 10 10 J, I took a stab at it on the flop for $40, Guru called. Turn Q, now I am done with my hand. Went check/check and check-fold river when 8 came. That was the last hand I played and I left soon afterwards.

Master Gee didn't fare well tonight. He built his stack back up to $200 and lost with JJ. Flop 557, he shoved all-in and Guru turned straight with 46. How can he miss if he has been hitting GS all-day? We all know Lucktards will dominate Masters, and the highest form of LT would be a Guru. Bad Luck Master Gee, you simply have no chance at all tonight!