After Squizzy impressive showing last night, also Master Gee had a good swim at Crown. I can't let them have all the Glory. Based on my wishful thinking that I have huge flippers behind my back, I decided to play a bit on Stars tonight. First, I registered in a $3.30 MTT. Dealt AK in the BB first hand, several limpers, I raised to $80, got 2 callers. Continuation bet on 4 6 Q flop, got 1 caller. Brick on the turn went check/check, and fold on the river went check/ half pot bet. Then fold in SB, called on button with 3d5d in family limp pot, hit nothing and fold on the flop. 2 hands later got 99. several limpers up front already (perhapes they are a bunch of gimps, just love limping), I made the call as I wasn't too thrill with my mid pair. All of the sudden BB pop to $100. All the gimps called, no way I am folding my 99, I called, co and button fold, 5 way action. Flop Ac Kc 9d. BB bet $540, 1 caller. About $1200+ inside and my stack about $2600+, I figured out one guy was drawing to flush. BB must have AK, AQ sort of hands, if it happens to have AA or KK, so be it! I shove all-in, BB shoved, so does MP gimp also shoved. BB showed A 10, gimp showed QcTc. 2h on the turn and 4c on the river. So I bust within the first orbit, no big deal, at least I put my stack in good. Lucktard really rules in this game!
Then play in cash table. Bought in $50 in 25c/50c deep. I prefer playing in the deep table, hate playing with a bunch of mushrooms, buying in short and shove everything up their ass pre-flop. On the 3rd hand I dealt KK on the button as shown above. UTG limp, all fold to me, and I raised to $3.50. I tend to play my KK just like QQ or JJ. Gimps will call with A2 anyway, need to see flop and play it quick. SB called, BB folded, UTG called. Flop 79J rainbow, all check to me and bet $10 on the flop. SB called, UTG folded. Turn 6, I put him all-in for $21+. He snap called and from the pic above, you all see what happen on the river.
As Barry Greenstein said in High Stake Poker, " Math in poker is idiotic!" Now I 100% agree with him. Please, I want to be a lucktard, with a bunch of imagination. Wishful thinking is a must in this game. Need to play all kind of junks. Calling huge raise with any sthooted cards or connecting cards out of position is a must. Because:
1) You can always hit,
2) The raiser could miss the flop and it always feels good bluffing him out with 7 high
3) Calling you way for future action. If you miss the flop in the first 9 times, then you are definately DUE in the 10th. Imagine how much money you would win when playing Q2 sthooted and the flop came QQ2, 222, flop flush with A and K on the board? and the initial raiser has a premium hand?
4) Your cards are not important. The flop could come anything. Imaginative representation is the key to poker success.
5) We can't let people bullying us around. Poker God will punish them by awarding us with runner-runner nuts.
6) If Thou never Fold, then Thou never Know!!! ( if you hit the river).
Master, you will bounce back with force very soon!
ReplyDeleteyou are my inspiration, i can only win when playing your account or with your presence, you are simply too good not to win in the long run...
Yeah! you know what happen to me tonight!