As you know my mission from now is to be a lucktard. The best way to learn to be one is to learn from them. If you want to learn from them, you better learn from the best. So where can you find the biggest lucktard in this world? Here is the answer: Pub/Free Poker!
Last night at Potters (an local pool hall in Dandenong) had poker night. $20 entry, you receive a free T-shirt plus a drink voucher. $1000 total prize pool, capped at 100 players. Not bad value if you just want to have a night out. Master Gee works over there behind the bar, so obviously he was playing there last night. So did Lady Master, Slam Dunk Master and great Grand Master. Even Mini-Master (Tim, Sean's brother) joined the action as well.
If you haven't played in one of those tourney before, here is the structure. We started with 3000 in chips, blinds started at 25/50, and blinds half double up every 15 minute. Self dealing (no dealer on the table), 15 min you might play max of 10 hands. There weren't enough plays in each level. Sitting back and playing tight won't be ideal. So you will see a lot of all-in fest along the way. No way you can keep up with the blinds without doubling up in the first few levels. Bluffing is waste of time, coz people will call you with bottom pair. The best way to accumulate chips is to call an all-in bet with anything. I saw a LT called her whole stack in SB with J9 off when there was already 2 shoves in front of her. J9 vs AA vs A3 sthooted. And she triple up her stack. I played good in the first hour and my read was spot on. After the first hour I built up my stack to 6700. Somehow I was a bit worry coz Wishing Thinking is a must in this game. If you fold when you are behind, you don't give yourself any chance to get lucky. You will never get the feeling when you spike the 2 outer on the river. So I need to change gear!
After the break, I moved to a new table. 2 seats to my right was, who else? Slam Dunk Master. With all the bragging rights on the line, you never know how desperate I were trying to bust him. With blinds 100/200, I limp UTG+1 with 22. Everyone folded to the CO, mini raised to 400. Everyone then folded to SDM in the BB called extra 200. Flop 7h7c8c, SDM checked, and I checked as well. CO bet 400, absolutely weak bet, probably had 2 overs. Slam Dunk master smelled weakness and shoved all-in. Before I acted, CO tossed his card into the muck (once again my read was spot on). Now I only have to worry about Slam Dunk Master. Did he had an 8 (maybe), 7 (unlikely), a pair in hole (maybe), Flush Draw (very likely), Straight draw (unlikely, don't think he would call with 9 10 pre-flop), bluffing (maybe). So I did a bit of table talk, mentioning how much I want to bust him ( I had him cover). He gave me a corky look and smiling at me along the way. Now I know he was either bluffing or on flush draw. Playing with him so many times in home games, I know he would freeze like a statue if he has a big hand. So I called with my pocket 2. He flipped over AQ off. 7 on the turn, 6 on the river. Bingo! I don't read him like a book. Never! Instead I read him like a porn. All it takes is a few sec, and my mojo will automatically kicks in. Easy as that!

Then I changed table again. The table had a bunch of fat chicks. Won a mid size pot with 88. Blinds 200/400, MP pop to 800, I re-pop to 1400 on the button. Flop A 10 5. MP check, I bet 1800 and took it down. Now I have close to 10k in chips. Then in SB, blinds now 300/600. I got Qd10d. Multiway limp pot, I called for extra 300. all of the sudden BB shoved all-in for 1300 in total, everyone called, so did I. Flop Ad Jh 3d. All check to the Fat chick on the button, bet 2000, I called with my FD+GS. Turn 6h, I check-call 3000 bet. With such a big pot, and a bit of WISHFUL THINKING, calling the bet was easy. River another 6, and I check/fold. Fat chick had AJ and raked the pot.
Now she really got into my head. Not because I think she is hot (No way! I am not a Gramma Cunucker), nor I am interested in her cow size tits ( Sorry, I am not a farmer and I don't need any milk for my coffee yet!). I really gave her credit that she put me on a flush draw. What impressed me the most was that she managed to use the F* word and occasionally the S* word at least once in every 5 words that came out from her mouth. That's IMPRESSIVE!
Blinds 400/800, UTG limp, that cow wannabe limp, I open shoved with my AJ for 2800. Evryone folded to the button also shoved. All folded, showdown. AJ vs QQ. Flop A 10 4 turn 8 river 4. Now my stack about 8200. Now the conversation started heating up. UTG said she also have AJ (OK!), but the cow wannabe said she had A8, and started whinging how lucky I were and she should have won that pot. I simply lost count how many F* words that had come out from her filthy mouth. " Call me!", as I said, but she would never have my mobile number.
Now she has gone a step further. Not only she has got into my head, she really got into my skin. I try to stay cool along the way. In fact if she really want to get into my skin, I will rip her skin off. I am not going to use it to make any sort of leather belt, whip or shoes. But I think her skin has the perfect roughness, a bit finer than the sandpaper which I normally use, which would be good for shaping my snooker cue tip.
Her F* words exhibition went on for the next 5 min. At the same time, she also showed the whole table about her self proclaimed $100k crystal (diamond) ring. Now I know she doesn't only want to be a dairy cow, but she want to be one with BALLS! She impressed me so much, now I know what kind of person she really is. If Paris Hilton is perfect example to the definition "Bimbo", she would fit perfectly to the Chinese version of "CHOWHI". It makes sense as she is a cow wannabe, I simple throw in a "H" in the middle as a bonus.
I didn't play a hand in the next round. Now stack down to 7k and we off to another break. After the break, blinds 500/1000, I dealt AQ UTG. I played a bit sneaky with this hand coz ChowHi in the BB. I pop to 2500, leaving 4500 behind. The guy next to me re-pop to 6000, everyone fold I shoved for extra 1k. He called. My AQ vs his Ah6h. Flop 568 with 2 hearts. No help in the next 2 cards and I busted at 24th place. Only Lady Master survived the onslaught and was still in. Everyone else within our mop had busted out already. Perhapes Lady Master is the biggest LT within our mop. So from now I will try my best to get her to be my poker mentor!
Hahahah Hehehehe U R very funny master, I like this blog the best, fat chicks, cow like t..s, U crack me up, keep up the good work. :-)
ReplyDeleteLucktard Fat Mama is better!