Master Gee said he will swim around at Crown today, so I decided to join him. Pop up there in late afternoon, sit down at $2/$3 NLH table. Played average in my first buy-in, called couple raises with small pairs and sthooted Ace, hit nothing on the flop and lost about 1/2 my stack. Then had Ac 10c in CO, UTG raise to $20, got several callers, I called for Value. Flop J Q 9, UTG bet $40, got 1 caller, I called. Turn 3 c (pick up flush draw). UTG shoved for $215, MP folded, I called for $57 priced in already. River blank, UTG had KJ.
Re-buy again for another $200. Dwindling down to $175, Maniac UTG raised to $15, I called with 6d7d, everyone called, 7 way action. Flop 10d 3d 8h. Everyone check to button bet $45. As omeone might be slowplaying a monster or not really interested in the hand, also more then $140 inside, I decided to gamble with my GS+FD. I shove for $160. All of the sudden initial raiser also shove for $400. Button flat called with 10 J. UTG showed KdQd. Damn I am drawing to an off suite 7. Turn Ac, river 8 c. Lost my second bullet.
I remember a lot of pros said if the game is good, you shouldn't leave. I felt I am playing ok. If I make a good hand or a big draw, I will always get callers. So i decided to buy-in my 3rd bullet. Shortly after, I got dealt 4d5d. This time UTG with about $97 pop to $15, 5 callers, I decided to call as I am in gambling mode. BB folded. 6 way action! $84 inside already. Flop 3 4 7 rainbow. I check on the flop, UTG shoved all-in for $82. Everyone fold to me. I am putting him on a big pair, so I figure all my 9 outs are live. Getting 2 to 1 on my money, although a bit short in odds, I decided to call with no further betting. Turn A, river 6. I scoop with 7 high straight.
Shortly after that hand, my nightmare finally starts. A Fat mama Italiano sat down on my table without a cup of cappuccino. She played so bad, as you can never imagine. In 1 hand she raised pre-flop for $25, 2 callers and fold to a $15 bet on the flop in position. Afterwards she called an all-in bet for her whole stack with 88 on a AK993 board. Then she re-buy. She called a huge pre-flop raised $45 with 55. Check-call a $80 bet on the K J 9 (2 sthooted board) flop. The raiser put her all-in on the turn and she snap called because she hit her 5. The raiser had AA and need a bucket!
The drama really starts here. As she raked up her chips, she started bragging how well she played the hand, bragging about the "Special Feelings" she has in her poker career. Doing supermodel posting on her sit. Maybe because she is running hot, so she thinks she is hot as well. If that's the case, so does Kathy Leibert and Cindy Violett. All depends on where you are from. In Greece they will call her " Malaka", in North America, they will call her " Mother Canucker!" In China, perhapes "ChowHi"(ask you friend fron Hong kong about what it really means). But I simply call her a Lucktard!
After that she ATC a lot and lost 1/2 of her $400+ stack calling all the way and fold on the river. I knew she is on tilt right now, raised on the button with 8s Js, and hit top pair on the flop, turn trips and under bet turn + river for $120+ pot. Lucktard you!
Two hands later, this comes out! I got dealt AK on the button. 1 guy limp, Lucktard fat mama (LTMF) raised to $40, I choose to call. Put her on QQ, JJ sort of hands. Even I hit my A or K, I know she would not fold. All other folded, limper fold as well, now HU. Flop K 7 3. LTFM lead out for $35. I hit my card, I pop her to $100. She called. Turn 3. She bet $60, with only $130 behind me, I decided to shove. Her range is so big, and I know she would make this bet with JJ or QQ. So I shoved and she called. River 8. She showed AA! WTF?
My AK ran into AA on K high rag flop really make me puke. To make the matter worse, she taught me a poker lesson. She said, " How do you think your AK be good in that spot?" What a Fat ChowHi Malaka Mother LT Canucker! Need a bucket desperately!
I also played in the $175 tourney tonight, but in the second round, my KK bump into AA and I raised got re-raised, then I shoved pre-flop. No help all the way! Watch Master Gee dominate the cash table. From $200 ran up to $1250+. Flopped flush with KsQs, played fast all the way, all-in on the turn and got called by As only for a massive $700+ pot. He stacked a guy with 45 on a K45 board. The guy had AK, 45 held up.
Then he stake me $200 to a table. Nothing really going on and still with $200. Fold AK UTG + 3 when Rock of Gilbrator raised. Flop K 10 3. Turn K. Rock of Gilbrator had QQ and won! Damn! 2 rounds later had Jh10h on the button. Limp pot, I decided to raised $12 for value. Got 5 callers, now $54 inside. Flop 10c 7c 3h. Everyone check to me and bet $30 with my top pair/ ave kicker. Only the Rock of Gilbrator called. I put him on a draw most likely Acxc. Cos 10c on the board, I am pretty sure my 10 is good right now. Turn another 10, now I made trips. ROG checked to me, I am representing a big pair right now, and I knew he only have 7 outs. Want to give him an impression that the A on the river would be good for him. So I try to milk him for $70. He called after a lot of thoughts. River 4c. He shove all-in and had me cover. Why not the Ace, 3c or Jc? I folded my hand face up and very nice to him he showed me Ac5c. On the very next hand I got AK, raised pre-flop to $15, got a few callers, flop K 7 5. I lead out for $25, got 1 caller. Turn J, i shoved, got called by 77 trips. Busto!
I don't mind losing. I felt nothing at all after I bust on my last table. As long as people not show boating or giving poker lessons, I am fine with that. Poker should be fun and poker is a game about lucktards. I am not going to swim at Crown for at least 1 month and restrain myself playing no more than $3 MTT and no cash table on Stars. Hopefully my bad luck will end by then.
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