Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Our Poker Mop

Here are the members of our poker mop.

Seany Gee. Simply the best player within our group ( we call him Master Gee). Aggressive is his strength. Goes on tilt would be his weakness. All you need is one suck-out against him, and he will lose his stack in the next 20 min. Unfortuntely his money won't come to your way.

Bird 147. Sean's dad, the Grand master of all. He brings ATC to the next level. Very agressive and involed in alot of hands. (Aggressive Thru Calling). His strength, Turbo SNG.

Squizzy. He is a rock! As mention by his name, it is hard to squizze a penny out of him when you have the nuts. Normally fold pre-flop, on the flop, or on the turn. Once he pass the turn, either you are in trouble or what else? Fold!!!!

Lady Master. Sean's sister, very solid.

Slam Dunk Master. Sean's brother in law. He should be an English teacher in Grade 1. He simply transfer his ABC knowledge into poker table .

Sam Fishy. The wild one. Always have huge swing whenever he plays. Try to follow his mentor's (Neverlose) footstep into the world of gambling. He is a Bluffer, his fav move: Check-raise all-in on any street with 7-2 off.

Master Chen. He is the suckout king in poker, and BS expert in life. Just love to bet. Fav line,"I have top pair", " I have a pair, and I can always hit." There are nothing call kicker in his poker mind, and an Ace alone would be worth at least an extra pair. I have make a habit busting him, but I haven't played with him in poker.

Master Buck. He doesn't play home game with us, coz there are not enough money on the table. He mostly play limit poker. Can run $100 playing $2/$4 limit into $500+. Jump to $10/$20 table and ran up to $1500+. I have seen him done this a lot. But most of the time, he would donk it away and left with nothing.

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