PLO is a game of swing, but in lower stakes, you still need to dodge a bunch of bullets. Having the
IRON FIST in your arsenal, a lot of times would not be enough. Not only because its Pot-limit, but with 4 cards combination, your opponents always have
OUTS! When the pot getting bigger and bigger, the word
VALUE will take over. People tends to have this in mind, " WOW! Big pot! I must call and see all the cards." Or they might be thinking," The guy must be on draw or just one pair, although I am behind right now, but I could improve to 2 pairs and win a monster." Here are some hands that I have experienced, either you can say they are a bunch of
LUCKTARDS, but in my most humble opinion, they are just

This hand was back a while ago. After 1 or 2 limpers, the KKds guy raised the pot. From what I have seen, either he has 4 high cards, or high pair. Since I were holding AA, so the possible of him having the same hand will be minimal. The next guy flat call, plus 1 or 2 callers. Now in the SB, I had the perfect situation to re-raise with my AA. With the stack related to the blinds were so deep, if I could not put 1/2 of my stack in, I would just flat call. Otherwise, re pot. Now I pot to $10+, the KK guy didn't disappoint me by shoving all-in. The next guy with A 10 10 3, also shove. I forced to call, and turned out I am getting 2- to 1 on 40% fav preflop, 64% fav on the flop, 70% fav on the turn. Just like all other online poker site, they need to keep the fishes alive. Nice hand Sir, you are too good. You just won the lottery for $71.

This hand also played a while back, but in 25/50c deep table. After several limpers, I raised to $3.50 with my AKQQds. The guy behind me re-raised to $12. Fold to the Gimp flat called, I called as well, so $35+ inside already. On the Flop UTG gimp check, I bet the pot. I hit a nice flop, with a bunch of outs plus overpair. Most likely the guy behind me had AAxx, and my bet on the flop could make him fold. He folded instantly, and now the GIMP shoved all-in. I called. He turned over that piece of crap and hit bottom set. I still have a bunch of outs about 45% to win. As usual in these lottery contest, PS will reward the donkey with a monster pot.

Nothing special about this one, but I wish I could use all 4 cards.

If you think it only happens in PS, then you are wrong. FullRig has the right name for their site, and you know how rig it is. In 25c/50c PLO. I called with KKxx. A bunch of people called, then SB all of the sudden pot it to like $5. He was a manaic, and I didn't respect his raise at all. I could have a case for either calling or folding, but I mini-raise him to $10 and see what he would do. Now MP flat called for the second time, SB just called, so I knew he didn't have AA. Flop top set but a bunch of draws out there, SB lead out for $10, and I applied the
IRON FIST. MP flat call again and SB folded. I filled up but he made
QUADS. Very nice hand sir! Now I believe 2 7 10 10 is a monster hand and should be played aggressively. ATC all the way would be the way to go. As usual FullRig will reward you for your ultra-aggressiveness.

This one in NLH, 25c/50c. MP opened raised to $1.50, CO called, I called with 33 on the button. The blinds folded. On the flop, MP made c-bet of $1.00, then CO re-raise to $3.00. I figured some big pairs out there. If either one of them have a set, nothing I can do. 2 pair also a possibility. No point slow playing it, coz if the Ace come, and both of them have pairs, I won't get any action. Remember in FulLRig, they are playing 10 Aces in a deck. Once again, I applied the
IRON FIST, and figured will be called by 1 place. MP folded instantly, now CO thought for a long while and made the call with 44. How the hell he can call with 44? I were shoving $20+ into a $8 pot. He's not getting anything close to 2-1. Well, I didn't make any mistake. Once again in FullRig poker, if the board not coming 3 flush with a King, then they will come 4 straight with an Ace. So with his pocket 4s, he would be 100% chance to win.

Back to PS, some 10c/25c donk fest. Limp pot, the guy who won this hand just joined the table and posted BB. Folded to him, he checked. Others folded, SB called, I checked my option in BB. I hit a decent flop. Nut flush draw + wheel draw + backdoor crap flush draw. I knew AA not out there, coz they will go crazy with there AA. No raise pre-flop, everyone had random hand. SB lead out for $0.75, I flat called. Now that PLO Superstar, he raised pot. SB fold. Do I want to continue? He might have 2 pair, which I have full 11 outs to win. He might have 444, full 11 outs as well. QQQ? then I would be in bad shape, but not as bad as it appears. So I decided to play this hand aggressively, ATC all the way. So I check/call $3+ flop bet and $8 turn bet. I hit my set of 5s on the river. Based on the action, most likely he has 2 pair or set rather than 23 or 68. Pot was protected, I thought my hand was good, and shoved for last $5+, he called. Another cooler in the making. ATC only works for some individuals, and I know I am not the one!

Changed table straight away, post BB in my first hand. With middle position, limp pot I checked my option with AJ73. Button called, SB raised to 75c, everyone called. After the flop, MP bet $2. I definitely call. So did the button. Now I had the nuts on the turn with 1 way flush draw. With $8 inside already, I bet pot to protect may hand. Button re-raised all-in and I called with my nuts + flush draw. He had the same hand as I did, but with a set. River, I lost. Well I have no complaint about this one, coz it could go either way. His hand much better than mine, but why coolers always keep following me?

Now I top-up. I said to myself, if I bump into coolers again, I won't play PS for the rest of the year. Now UTG just call, in MP 2nd in, my AKK looks pretty good, but can't sell my hand cheaply. So I just flat call. A bunch of players limp, and we saw the flop AA3. UTG bet $1.25 on the flop, I figured my AK good right now, I re-pot him straight away. All fold, and he called. Turn 2, now, he checked, I bet pot and he check-raised me all-in. I called in an instant. I had enough of that shit. If he had 45, what a donk he is. A 2, A 3, so be it. He turned over A 10 2 2. OMG! Stupid 5 outer again. maybe this time PS heard my voice and gave me a miracle river card. I scooped a much needed pot with the nuts!
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