At first Master Gee drove the action. He had a $11, 27 players SNG running as well as $30 in a 25/50c NLH table. He hit nothing at all at the SNG and busted at the 4th level. Then he entered a $5.50, 45 players SNG and had no joy as well. Somehow Master's speciality not only in SNG, but in cash tables as well. Everytime he played a pot, he will bring in for a raise. He steam rolled the table and slapped everyone around like his little bitch. He maintain his stack at $30 and than flop a set of 4s and double up straight away. There were 2 pots which he flopped a straight but 3 flush on the board. The 4th flush card hit the board on the turn and forced to fold. After a while he ran his stack to around $95+ and he said this to me. " To my student, my favorite Grasshopper! Its time for you to lift. Take this stack and go to PLO. Its time for you to shine. Your guiding light will be watching. Hopefully you can find the PATH to POKER ENLIGHTENMENT."
With our roll at $140, I took $100 and sat down at a 50c/$1 PLO 6 handed table. I started off pretty well, after missing several flops, limp pot stack down to like $93, I bet all the way in the BB with middle pair + GS + small flush draw, representing a straight on a 4 5 8 board. The turn was 6 and river complete out flush, went check/check. Won an ok pot about $20+. Then we flopped the nut flush on the button, limp pot again. I bet pot on the flop, both blinds called. Turn rag but no pair on board. BB check called again. I put him either had a flush (hopefully K high) or a set. Our nuts held up and I went for the kill, he folded river pot bet after some thoughts.
Moments later, this hand came up. I were in CO with a bunch of low connecting cards 3 6 7 9. Nothing spectacular about this hand, but I love this hand at the right situation. In full ring game, with callers in front of me, I definitely fold. 6 handed, in late position first in, different story. I need to bring in for a raise. My hand totally conceal. High cards flop, people put me on high cards and hit the flop nicely. Rags flop, it will be in my territory.It plays like low sthooted connectors in NLH, but with a lot more outs. With our stack about $129, and the table playing tight, time to bully them a bit. I bought in for a raise to $3, hopefully I can buy the button. Button called, so did the blinds. So 4 way action.

Flop K 4 5 rainbow. Now we have a 5 card wrap draw. Any 2 3 6 7 8 will make us a straight. All check to me, and its time for a big semi-bluff. I hit a big draw and ready to go to war! I bet the pot for $11.40. Button fold, SB called, and all of the sudden BB popped to $50 leaving $42 behind. Now I knew he had at last 2 pair and very likely a set, but my hand still very good. I am willing to play for my whole stack at this point. SB check called me, either he also on draw or 2 pair at best. Hopefully he had 2 pair and took away some outs if BB had a set. If he is on some kind of up and down, hope he would fold, so I could scoop for the whole pot. So I went for the IRON FIST and shoved it on the flop. SB flat called again and so did the BB. SB turned over 67 for up and down only, and BB had top set. Still ok, I am 50% to win at least half the pot, thx to SB took away 2 of my outs and split pot with 5 or 8. I have a +EV of 35% overall so I didn't make any mistake. If SB didn't check call me I probably will flat call BB check-raise, no pair board on the turn, I am going nowhere for extra $40+. Unfortunately for us, we missed and lost a big one.
Sorry Master! Once again I let you down. Being a grasshopper that I am, I think I can only hop around in micro-limits. Grinding on donkey tables and win $10 here and $15 there. I have such a bad record in those 50/50 situation for the whole stack. Master, you gave me the opportunity to shine, but I am the MOON. You are shining brightly coz you are the SUN. Like Master Buck famous word of wisdom, " Human started walking on the Moon 50 years ago, but good luck if you try to walk on the SUN." Sorry Master, once again I let you down! Thank you for showing faith in me. Thank you for your Master Class. One thing for sure, I won't give up. I might be back to my micro-limits and donkaments, I am going to improve my game. Hopefully next time when I step to the plate, I can hit a Home Run off a hanging curve-ball.
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