He is back! He is out from retirement. Right now the poker world is buzzing. They all talk about who the hell is that guy Isildur1? There are many rumors about his true identity. Here below are my 2 cents:
1) Victor Bloom
I don't know who the hell he is, so no comment!
2) Guy Libertre
Maybe, but he is a fish. Can't win, so most likely not.
3) Bill Clinton
Maybe, as his wife is too busy in the political circus, the only way you won't lose your husband is to lock him at home for some online poker.
4) Osama bin Ladan
Nothing to do inside the cave somewhere in Afghanistan. So the best way to hit the US economy is to win all the fishes money online.
5) Daniel Sklansky
No way! Although he loves to shove, but can't do it in PLO.
6) James Wood or some Hollywood actors
Probably! They have millions. Money not really an issue for them. Somehow highly unlikely coz they can't show boating their acting skills online.
7) Kobe Byrant
Maybe! His boss Jerry Buss loves poker. The question is: How can he loggon to FullRig the same time when the Laker's game is on?
8) Micheal Jordan
Maybe! Just like Superman, he has gambling addiction. He loves Blackjack and Roulette more than poker.
9) Bill Gate
His Microsoft team already hacked into FullRig site. Now they just create a bot and ready to kill the game. Very soon we will see MicrosoftPoker.com They will take over the industry and have more customer than their Window 7.
10) Master Gee
He has the skills. He has the look (all depends on your taste). He has the hearts (willing to go broke anytime). Somehow he doesn't have the bankroll.
Wait! Master Gee........ Maybe its him. He is back and kill the table at PS last night. After GrandMaster grand showing in the $1 re-buy donkament, plus final table at Crown on Sunday. Maybe Master Gee could get $50 off him. Phil Galfond, Tom Dwan, James Obsts, they all winning millions online, but they all start from either playing freeroll or from $50. If they can do it, the Master can do it as well. Since the Master was in action last night, and I was fortunate to find him. Time for me to watch him play. Hopefully I can learn a trick or 2.

He played 25c/50c at the start. Bought in for $20+. Then he double up with KK and stack ran up to $40+. Then this hand came up. Master raised to $2 on the flop, SB called. SB played the hand very aggressively by check/calling on every street (ATC). Normally it works, but not against the Master. The Master always have the goods. He has some special poker ability thats so unique in this world. Its called "
Donkey Magnet." I would love to have it, but all I got were "Suck-out Magnets".

Now the Master is hungry for more. A few hands later, he dealt AQ sthooted UTG, raised to $1.50. MP will KK mini-raised him and Master called. They saw the flop. Just like in your local Maccas, they will ask you, "Sir! Would you like fries with your burger?". Tonight is different, the Master is so hungry, he would love to have some Mushroom with his Poker. Since the Mushroon is too short, its there for the taking. Master flop a monster, as he always do, "
When you flop a monster draw, get ready for an all-in brawl!" What else, he shoved. MP couldn't lay down his KK, not fearing Master might have 99 or A 2, and went for his 2 outer. Well, he deserved to lose.

Now the table surrounded by fungus. He moved to a new table with 50BB min. In his 2nd hand in SB, he dealt the most horny hand in poker of all time. The 69 sthooted. CO raised to $2, Master called, and they saw the flop HU. Once again the Master hits big. He had straight draw + flush draw + backdoor trips + runner 2 pair + any 6 or 9 might be good, if the guy had A 2 or 33. With hand so much combos, he must be a massive favorite to win the hand. He lead out for $3. CO call. Turn complete his flush. He bet $7, CO called. River blank, and he bets like $15. Co called with JJJ. Another donkey in the making. CO should learn how to fold top sets. His mistake, so it became the Master's gain.
Nothing special about this hand. Just SB vs BB confrontation and proves to all of you that the Master is not a flop rack. He will lose some pots after putting money in. Like all the good players in this world, he managed to lose the min everytime.

Now, the table really knows who the best player is. Like 99% of poker player out there, they never give up on their egos. Since the Master is a
Donkey Magnet, and all superstars wannabe would like to win a pot against the Master, they would give the Master plenty of action. All fold the Master, and he raised to $1.50 with QQ. both blinds calls. SB lead out for $2.50, Master call. SB lead out for $8.50 on the turn, Master mini raised to $17, SB called. River, SB check/call Master's all-in shove with top pair. See! the Master played this hand very aggressively. If ATC on the flop not aggressively enough, then a check-raise on the turn follow by the
IRON FIST on the river really give you enough infos. Just like most donkeys in this world, they will hand their chips to the right direction, to the Master's stack.
Couple of rounds later, once again the SB vs BB confrontation. Master called with A 8 and flop top pair, elected to check. Master demonstrated what ATC is all about in this hand, check/calling $1.50, $3.00 and $7.00 bets. The guy had something close to nut low.

How can someone keep getting slapped around by the Master? Once again the Master limped with Ad5d, the donkey popped to $2.50, Master called. As usual Master will check with his straight. The donkey will bet and fired $3.50, this time the Master changed gear, and raised to $7. The guy called. Now he fired $8 on the turn and the donkey fold. He must feel pain in his ass right now. He should give Master Buck a call, he will tell you which hospital to go in order to stitch up your ass.

If this guy is not suffering from diarrhoea, he must be special. Another SB vs BB confrontation. Master bets $1 on the flop and the BB called. Then Master check/call his $3 bet on the turn with straight. River check/call again his $6 bet. I know the Master could have raise him on the river, but somehow he might be a bit remorseful after all these beatings giving to him. Another nice pot to the Master.

This time against the same donkey, again SB vs BB, again the Master dominated. If you think he is a flop rack, then you are wrong. In this hand the Master had nothing. After the flop, he check call a $1.50 from his favorite donkey. On the turn he check raise his $3.50 bet to $8.50 total. After all those beatings, about time to go to toilet. So he folded and left the table after that hand.

His favorite Donkey has gone. So time to pick another target. Somehow no need to do anything when you were dealt AA, and they call your re-raise pre-flop.

The Master fear no one, nothing can stop him except some lucktards. Master first in pop to $1.50 with JJ, got 2 callers. Master fired $3 on the flop and only the SB called. On the turn Master fired $9, and this time SB mini-raised to $18. Master called. River went check/check. Huge suckout with the guy holding A 7.
We all know we can't beat lucktards in this game, but against normal donkeys, Master's skills will dominate his opponents in all areas. ATC, check-raise move, IRON FIST, well timed bluff, changing gear, etc. I have seen it all on TV, but the Master once again showed his superior poker skill and demonstrated it in 1 short session. You have inspired all the grasshoppers like myself. You are good! TRUELY AMAZING!
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