Not much poker recently, PS mojo still stays at $280+. As most players are now focusing on WSOP, but I am still focusing on my snooker. After losing to Alibaba in Lance Pennall, I didn't give out. Still practicing enough to keep it going. On the weekend, there was a handicap tournament at Kings. I lost in the second match vs Roger Dalitz. Giving 25 start to a guy who can pot is a tough task. Pot a long one, scores 10 to 15 and played safety. Just like those mushroom stack online. Always hit and run. The bright side was I made 62 break in my first match. (but I choked with 2 reds remaining).
Monday night as usual, I filled in for Yarraville for "A" reserve. The past 2 weeks, I bumped into Andrew Hicks, and Humphrey Bear. This week, another top player filled in for Brunswick, and his name BOBO. I feel like I am jinxing the team. Three weeks in a row, three different fill-ins from our oppositions. From Andrew, to Rudy, and now Bobo. So whose next? Neil?
Anyway, I lost my match 2-1. Played like a spastic, and didn't play well at all. I lucktard the final frame without making any break over 20. We played on the #1 table at Yarraville, and it has new cloths on it. Unfortunately, the balls are crap. Even in pennant, we are only allow to use club balls, because the tournament balls are only for Lance Pennall Classic only. Those white balls in the club set are very light, it will fly everywhere especially on the new cloths. So we replace the white from the billiard set.
After the match BOBO was whinging about the white ball being too heavy. He was complaining for over 30 minutes, and called me "SHIFTY!". He was whining that I replaced the white (before the match), so he can't perform to his usual standard. Charlie and Kevin played in the first round and they were using the same white ball, and they had no complaints. Even he didn't play well, but still more than enough to kick my ass. Although I took 1 frame off him, so what? I don't find it such a big deal. At the end of the day, I lost and I played crap. I am not going to celebrate by winning 1 frame off one of the best player in Australia. Just like at Crown, I am not going to celebrate after sucking out my opponents hitting a 2 outer on the river. I am not going to run around the casino, doing a victory lap pretending I just won an Olympic gold medal. Some people might, but I am not that kind of guy.
So BOBO, here is my advice. Instead of being a cry baby (as you are right now), you should try and work on your techniques. As a top player, you should be able to adjust to different playing conditions. If you have any difficulties, you can always go to Princes every Saturday afternoon and consult the MVP. He will be there from 12pm till 4pm. All it cost you will be $20 including table charges. Tell me if you can't afford it, and I will pay for you. There is no big deal by losing a frame to an average player like me. Get over it! Instead of being a whiner, forget about it and work on your game. So that:
1) next time you won't lose to Vinnie
2) you will be able to win several frames if you decide to go to England
3) ABSC will pick you ahead of Mathew Bolton, even you don't live in Perth
4) Most importantly, you no longer need to live under your brother and MVP's shadow any more.
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