Last night, I just want to have a break from snooker, so I popped up at Master Gee's place for some High Octane Tag team Poker. As usual both of us put in AUD$50, and Master Gee dove first. He bought in $35 to 2 tables (25c/50c NLH). Not much happening and bust shortly in 1 table. In 1 table, he lost 1/2 of his stack with KQ in MP, raised to $1.50. Called by 3 players. Flop K-rag-rag. Master Gee lead out on every street and river went checked/checked. CO had AK. Then he raised with AJ, MP a few rounds later. Flop Ad x x with 2 diamonds. Master Gee lead out for $2 and button popped to $6. Turn 10s, went checked/checked. River K h. Master Gee checked, button value bet $8 and we called. He showed Kd 10d. What a Lucktard!
On the other table. Master Gee small balling and built his roll to about $45+. Then this hand came up. UTG, Master Gee raised to $1.50 with 77. Got a few callers, flop 8d 7c 5c. SB lead out for $2, BB called, Master Gee got the action he wanted and pop to $7. All folded to the SB shoved all-in, BB folded. SB had us covered, $38+ to call. Master Gee asked me, " Should we call or fold?" He said SB could have a straight. Here were my assumptions:
1) We can't fold, coz we hit.
2) He might have a big draw.
3) He might flop 2 pair, or a set. If he had 888, nothing we can do.
4) Don't think he would shove with a straight on the flop. Our stack is still deep enough. Why not milk us some more?
5) Even he flop straight, but we still have OUTS! Wishful Thinking is a must in this game!
Master Gee called instantly and out set held up. Master Gee put him on Ac 6c, but I put him on Kc 8c. SB had Jc8c. I knew Master Gee was testing me. If you want to be success in certain things in life, you better learn it from someone who is good at it. You can always hire a coach if you don't know anyone. But the problem is, that coach you hire might be a self proclaim world champion, but in fact he has no idea. I feel so grateful that Master Gee is my poker mentor. He is passing me his superior poker knowledge from time to time without charging me a penny. Occasionally he will give you a test and see your progression. I guess I pass the test this time, and I am sure there will be many more to come. Nice try master! Nice Try!
Then I took over and won a $50+ pot in PLO. We flop Broadway and held up against top set + nut FD. Then we decided to play our profit only, and I donked it away in NLH. Try to make a play at a guy. He limp, I pop to $2 with A6. Flop K 10 5. He checked, I bet $3.50 on the flop. He called and turn J. He checked, and I shoved all-in (about 1.5 pot bet) and he instant call with 9 10. River blank. If I was raising with any 2 high cards, I will have him beat. Knew he was weak, and I picked my spot well. Can't figure how his 9 10 be good! Either he has superior reading skills or he can actually see my cards. I thought only MVP can do it! Now I just found out another! He must be MVP in the making. Maybe he works for Telstra or AT&T. As there employee, those telephone company must give him a good deal to make calls like that.
As I were on major tilt, Master Gee drove the action again. Shortly afterwards, our KK held up, got check-raised all-in on the flop againt J4. (The guy had bottom pair on the flop.) Then Master Gee felt a bit tired and we stopped. We had $40 profit for the night.

Victorian State Snooker Championship is on this weekend. I don't like my draw that much. Since I haven't played much snooker last year plus bad results, now my ranking drops rapidly. My first match will be tough against Mr. Angelo Papaya. He is a decent player, and we are playing at his home club will just make my task even tougher. If I get thru him, who else? Mr.Invincible. Well........ At least I will be on the rail, having the best seat in the house and enjoy some high quality snooker!
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