Sunday, June 14, 2009

Donohou / Master Chan / Master Buck

Not much special happening this week for me. All of the sudden I couldn't pot a ball. Been doing a lot of solo lately, found out I am hitting with a lot of right hand side on the cue ball. I am not in the City of Melbourne Championship, so I still have a lot of time to fix it before Albury. Last week in pennant, we lost to Princes Blue 7-11. Apart from Humphrey Bear, that team is full of fags. Roger Leighton filled in for them, and he seems a decent guy. So at this moment, he is excluded.

I won my match 2-1 against a prick who has a bigger head than than MVP. He used to be the #1 player at his team, but due to some team controversy, he was dropped to #5. Why would a guy lower themselves so much, dropped himself from #1 to #5? Is he like Sam Fishy, trying to follow Neverlose's footstep? As the Princes Player Manager (MVP), he always talk about Team Chemistry. I have no idea what Team Chemistry can really do in snooker, but I certainly would prefer other type of science in snooker. How about playing stripe snooker with a bunch of HOT chicks (NO LTMF), then some Pie eating, cream licking, pillow tossing action after the match? That's the ULTIMATE SNOOKER BIOLOGY. I certainly prefer that.

Before the match he said to me, " Adriam! I don't think I will have a chance against you tonight. I saw you played Steve Mifsud in Vic Champ and he was lucky to beat you 4-0." (In fact, Mr.Invincible made 40+, 40+, 50+, 60+ and 93 in 4 frames to beat me 4-0.) What a jerk he is! He sure fire me up. He was on fire in the first frame and won easily. Then I got my cue arm going, and played very solid snooker. I won the next 2 easily, although I didn't make any breaks, but I managed to score around 30 everytime when I was given a chance. My safety play was very good. After the match, he spat the dummy and left.

Uncle Glen was in Melbourne for the weekend, coaching 4 juniors at Princes with Neil also giving tips on break building and game tactics. Somehow that prick also appeared and gave away snooker tips of his own. I am sure all those boys will benefit a lot from Glen and Neil and stay away from that prick. He is a good player, but only Hilton will reckon he is a top player. Steve Donohou, you've just make MVP seems like a nice guy. So please shut the F*** up!

I haven't played much poker lately, last night I had a side bet with Master Gee. KO Master was doing well in a $1.1 MTT. He was 14th in chips with 450+ players remaining (Total entrants 2500+). So I listed a betting line on how far KO Master will finish.
Final Table, 10-1
Final 2 tables+, 5-1
Final 3 tables+, 3-1
Top 45+, 2-1
Top 63+, 1-1
Top 100+, 1-2
Outside 100, 2-1

Master Gee bet 1 Nandos meal, predicting KO Master will finish in top 27th. Unfortunately for KO Master, those $1 MTT is such a donk fest and he busted out in 70th. At the sametime, we also saw Master Buck in action. This time he bought in for $400 in a $2/$4 NLH game and managed to double up after 96 hands. As usual, he would carry his whole bankroll to play higher limits. He stopped over in a $3/$6 NLH 6-max table and won another $475. With $800 profit already, its time to play in a bigger game. Master Buck showed his true colour tonight and crashed the game in limit holdem $30/$60 level and won another $2500. So overall profit about $3300 from $400. Very good effort Master Buck, you are amazing!

If you think that is impressive, wait until you see Master Chan. Master Chan also in action tonight as well. He is the suckout specialist and always play $1/$2 or $2/$4 NLH. He always bought in for the min, ATC a lot, and loves to shove with anything except the nuts. Tonight I saw him cracked AA, sets a lot with his Suck-out missiles. Currently up about $1200 in the last 16 hours, always bought in for the min and ran away after doubling/tripling up. His flop frequency would be about 50%+ and limp with any sthooted cards. Never fold pre-flop after he limp. Never stay at the same table for a long period of time. He has applied "Hit and Run" strategy into perfection. There were 2 hands which really stands out.

Hand 1

Stake $2/$4, NLH Master Chan about $160 stack.
Master Chan had Ac 3c on button. Called $16 raise from CO. Flop Q 4 5 rainbow. CO bet $20 on the flop, Chan called. Turn A. CO bet $32, Master Chan shoved for $120+. CO called. River 2. CO showed 44 for flop set. Master Chan won with A2345.

Hand 2

Stake $2/$4 NLH. Master Chan has $320+ stack.
Master Chan mini-raise to $8 UTG with AQ. Button pop to $32. Master Chan called, HU. Flop 256. Master Chan check call $48 bet. Turn 7. Went check/check. River 5. Master Chan shoved all-in for $200+. Button went to tank and called with AK. Master Chan stacked with AQ.

Well! It seems like Master Chan has cold off a bit. After nearly 18 hours of hit and run, fatigue might catch up with him. As the Energizer of this poker world, we all know Master Chan will keep on going-going-going until he donk his bankroll away. So wait and see how he goes!

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