First time in the last 4 years, I feel like playing snooker everyday. Enjoying the game as much as ever. Thanks to all the cocksuckers I met in HK, they really motivate me big time. They are all MVP in the making. Remember the time when MVP told me to get my ass back in B Grade, then Yarraville Club called me to play for them. Right now I am having the same feeling. I am not a championship type player, and I know I won't win any open event in Australia. I can't afford to practice 6 to 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. I know I can give any player in Australia a good run for their money at any time if I play well. One day I found a DVD of myself playing against Fat Banana, I realize how good I used to be, and right now I am about 60% compare to my peak. Kick, Stroke, Breath, paddle..... whatever it takes, I am determine to get back to my old form. I am practicing nearly everyday. Time will tell if I can achieve my goal.
Fat Banana and their B grade team is doing a snooker pot. Its how it works: Each playing has to pay $5 for every frame they lose in pennant night. If a player lose 3-0, then there will be an extra $5 penalty (Total $20 for the night). At the end of the season, there will be a massive pool, so we will spend the money dining and have a big night out. History said the pot will exceed $600 by the end of the season. Tony Lee and his C grade team years ago, in a 4 men team created a pot of $750+. The biggest pot ever was about $850+ when King of Power, Fat Banana and company in the 6 men B grade side couple years ago. Although I am not in their B grade team this year, but I have joint them. I will still pay them the money base on my result at Yarraville A grade side. Should be fun!
Oceania Snooker Championship will be held at Sydney later this month. I have entered both the 6 reds and the Open events. I am leaving on the 21st, and should be back by the 27th. Then on the 28th, I will play the Sook Deep Stack team Event along with the Master. It will be my honor hopping along side with the Master in his quest for poker supremacy. It will be my once in a lifetime opportunity playing along side with the Great One without having him eyeing on my stack all the time. It will be exciting, it will be entertaining and the Pond will be electrifying! Can't wait for that night to come!
FA Cup competition
12 years ago
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