It all starts in the afternoon. Each of us put in AUD$50 (US$ 83 in total) in PS and he drove first. At first, he busted early in a $10 SNG. At the same time he also had $30 in a 25c/50c NLH cash table. That's where the Master specialized in. It doesn't matter if the table is full of sharks or not, the Master will crush his opponents just by a single click in his mouse. I have read many books that said if you have a good hand, you must bet in order to build the pot; or slowplay it waiting for a check-raise. The Master did it in the opposite way. He would just bet small on the flop, checked the turn most of the time, but by the river, his opponent will shove their whole stack to the Master. That's the next level of poker, that ordinaries like myself will never achieve. That's what he calls "Delay Slow Play". Without a bright poker mind, you will never understand how it works (at least I don't). Today I realised how to win big pots. For me to win big pots, I need to have coolers going my way. Like set over sets, A high flush vs straight flush, boat vs quads etc. For the Master, he will give his opponents an opportunity to bluff big at the river. You need to give action to get any action. A lot of times, Master will call the flop, donating 50c to the community for further action. He gave the table a false image as a loose calling station, and he can be run over. So people will keep betting into the Master when he has the goods. At the end, his opponents will shove the river. So the Master will win an all-in pot by clicking the "call" button. That's how you craft a "meta-game", the highest form of poker. Below are some of the hands Master won. So Spectacular, truly Amazing!

The AQ guy raised to $2.50 pre-flop, got 1 caller, then the Master made it $7.50, both called. Master had no hesitation, shoving on the flop, the guy instant called with AQ. Like many Crown experts would have said, " Hmmm! I have up and down with 2 overs. So any Ace, King, Queen or 8 will do. So I have a total of 14 outs. We multiply 14 times 4, so I am 52% favorite to win this hand with 2 cards to come. The pot laying me good odds, so I must call!" If that's the case, I think we got lucky there.

This hand was a limp pot, Master raised to $2 on the button, SB called plus 2 limpers also called. After the flop SB bet $5, Master flat called. SB checked the turn and the Master bet $10. SB check-raised all-in and the Master called. That's how you win big!

Master called a $2 raise from QQ and hit his middle set. Already $10 inside and Master second last to act. After the flop, all checked to the Master, and he told me, "I am sure some big hands is floating around out there!". At first I was thinking he must be talking about himself. Then he made a teasing bet of $3 on the flop, got only 1 caller. Turn full-boat, checked to the Master and he
bet $7.50. Like all idiots around the world, they just love shoving into the Master with their over pair. Check-raise all-in is a very powerful move, but not so powerful under 2 circumstances.
1) Against the Master.
2) When the guy had something close to the nuts!

If you think the Master is a flop rack, then you are definitely wrong. His read is nothing but flawless. He can read his opponents like a book. Faster than the Messiah or Sam Fishy reading a Bible. Limp pot and Master raised to $2 with AK on the button. Got 3 callers. Standard c-bet on the flop and got 1 caller. Check/check on the turn, and the fish shoved all in on the river. Master called with AK high. Afterwards he told me that's an easy call. He got everything under control. "Piece of cake!"
He totally played in 3 tables today, each time bought in for $30 and managed to leave the table with $100. Money flowing into his stack makes him feel boring. Then he let me drive in the PLO. I didn't let him down and managed to win another $15. Then Master teased me a bit, asked me the Magic Question that I always asked him. I really want to know "Why are you so good?" I want to know your secret of success. This time you asked me the same question without giving me your answer. OK! Here's why:
1) I know you
2) I learn from you
3) You INSPIRE me
4) I play and practice a lot
5) All these years of practicing, I think I have reached 30% of your poker ability.

The Master is running hot at the moment. So we decided to go for a SWIM. We went to Nandos and I paid up all the Nandos bets that I lost to him. We sat down at the same table, I got nothing going. All of the sudden I picked up pocket 10s. Master was sitting to my right. After 2 limpers, Master made it $18 to go. I called with my 10s, so did the limpers. Flop 8h 7h 4s. Checked to the Master and he fired $55. I knew I must be beaten, so I folded. Only 1 limper called. Turn 3c. Checked to the Master and he shoved for $117. The guy called, river 5s. Master turned over QQ, and the guy had 4h 5h. Calling pre-flop with 4h5h was debatable, but he was going nowhere after the flop.
I plan to keep playing till the time charge. The table was full of pricks. The "45" guy asked the whole table whether he made the right call or not. Blah Blah Blah Blah! I told him, its your money and we are at the casino. So its all your decision. He kept on talking for another 5 minutes. If that's not annoying enough, the guy in Seat 5 with a red/white Holden HSV cap is another instant classic. That guy has been watching too much poker on TV lately. He must be thinking he is Phil Mellmuth. He acts like Phil, talks like Phil but plays like a maniac. I just don't have any hand to confront him as he was sitting behind me. Somehow my arms are not long enough, otherwise I would give him an elbow up his nose. Then a Malasian Lady ga-ga took Master's seat next to my right. His body perfume was so strong and unique, I couldn't breath at all. This table is like a jungle! After I won a small pot and I left straight away.
Master Buck said today on facebook that Slowvari is a tram with 2 gears and he is a Ferrari with 8. So I wonder what does the Holden HSV fits into? By the way, whats the point driving a Ferrari with no gas in it? Or is it a Ferrari body with Hyundai engine? We would all want to know!
With the Master's superior poker skills, we all know that he will win in a long run. Over the years he has won numerous battle, conquering thousands of opponents/MOPS, breaking all sort of barriers and created millions of MASTERPIECES. Today in PS, he showed me that I am still a worm, just a bigger one. Somehow we all know no matter who you are. At the poker table, you can never beat a LUCKTARD. The Master will be back big time! Sure he will!
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